Chapter 3

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Samantha arrived at the station to find that Frederick wasn't too happy. Particularly, he wasn't happy with Evie. She didn't see why he would be, Evie was helping them and he knew how important it was to protect her and the brotherhood. What was Jack doing to push the inspector past his usual tolerance? Was he hoping that Evie would just magically have Jack in custody?

She may not know much of his relationship with the Frye twins but, she was fairly certain that Frederick knew that Evie would end Jack's reign in due time. These kinds of monsters aren't easy to capture, even in CSI or Law and Order it takes time to gather evidence and find the perpetrators. Why was he pushing Jack's capture when he should know that even Evie wasn't a miracle worker?

"Inspector?" She called to him softly, "Are-What's happened now?"

He let out a frustrated sigh and straightened his posture. "Not now, I need to regain myself." He remained facing his desk and seemed to be trying to calm himself down. Was he truly succeeding though? Not really.

Samantha eyed him a bit and sighed, "I see, I've brought Mr. Weaversbrook with me for a bit. I wasn't too sure it would be safe to let him return home just yet."

The inspector nodded, finally turning so she could see his face. "A wise call, I've been informed that you had a run-in with a few Rooks." He eyed her in a way the made her feel nostalgic, like she had seen that expression of knowing before.

"I asked that one of them be interrogated by Evie and myself." She told him, explaining that he might be of use to the two women seeing how he was leading the attack. "However, seeing your current state, would you mind joining me?"

The inspector agreed even though he didn't think this random Rook could be of any use to him. However, the officer who brought him in said something about the man knowing Samantha. While it's true that many of the original Rooks would remember her (Samantha and Zenin were infamous for their silly antics), hardly any members from the past still had ties to the new gang. He knew Jacob spoke of Samantha sometimes, usually whenever he was in the company of the inspector or a close friend. With all that, who was this man that recognized the girl?

They headed to the holding cell where the man was being kept. He was sitting on the floor, staring blankly at the wall. The inspector didn't allow Samantha enter the cell, restricting her to two feet in front of the bar door instead. He also informed her just before they arrived that she wasn't allowed to speak to him.

"Hello sir." Frederick greeted the Rook, "Seems you got caught fighting the wrong person."

The man made tch sound and continued to avoiding looking at the inspector. Frederick tried to get a sentence out of the man but the man refused to acknowledge him. The Rook just sat there staring at absolutely nothing and the officers had very little patience as it was. After thirty minutes of pestering, Samantha decided to interrogate him herself.

"How do you know my name?" She asked, taking a step forward. She moved just an inch past Frederick before he tried to gently push her back.

"Samantha, please." Frederick attempted to scold her, forgetting that the brunette's stubbornness was almost legendary compared to Jacob's. In fact, he could name a few times in the past where she outright ignored him in favor for her own ideas.

"Let me try, inspector." She told him softly, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Besides, I want to know how he knew my name."

The man shifted a bit, allowing her to see his profile. Perhaps it was because she was waiting for a fight earlier, but she didn't really take in his features when they met at the docks. However, now she was seeing that he had a beard that wasn't being tamed or groomed and a harden face that looked old and weathered. She also took in his body odor which smelled like he bathed in his own sweat and alcohol. He really looked like a harden criminal and yet, at the same time, a part of her couldn't even feel intimidated by him.

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