Chapter Fifty-Six: Knowing Where You're Needed Most

Start from the beginning

"Maybe later, sweetie," he said finally. "Momma needs some alone time."

"No, she wants you to call her," the girl insisted.

Lux could see she wasn't going to give up easily. He knew from experience that once his daughter's heart was set on something, she kept at it until it worked out in her favor; she had every bit of Ahsoka's iron will and Lux's persuasiveness.

He nodded, and pulled Aeja into a hug. His daughter wrapped her thin arms around him, tucking her face over his shoulder. Her stubby lekku poked the side of his face, and he chuckled, hugging her tighter.

Sometimes, he forgot how young she was.

Suddenly, she pulled away, her blue eyes inquisitive. "What are we going to do for Alux and Enari's birthday, Daddy? Are we gonna surprise them?"

Lux smiled and kissed the tip of her nose. "Don't you worry your head about that, dhotyr'jim. I'll make sure it's something extra special."

As his daughter scampered off to rejoin her brothers, Lux glanced back at the comm on his bedside.

Perhaps it wouldn't hurt to try a few more times.

It was on the fifteenth call that Ahsoka finally picked up, and Lux could tell she had been crying again. The fact that he knew deep down that he had been part of what caused it just made it worse.

"Lux..." Her voice sounded tired, and when she spoke, it hardly rose above a faint whisper. "Can you please just leave–"

"I've told you before that I would make anyone who made you cry regret it," he said. "I guess I just didn't realize at the time that would include me, too.

"But I miss when we talked, Ahsoka; I miss when we could hold each other late at night and just tell each other what we were thinking when we were thinking it. I miss the closeness. I miss us being together. And now I really hope I didn't kriff it up, because I can't bear the thought of not being able to do that anymore."

"Lux, you didn't kriff anything up. Well, you did. Actually, you really did." Suddenly, Ahsoka's scowl turned into a smile. "But we're not teenagers in an erratic relationship – we have these for a reason." She held up her hand and pulled away her glove to reveal her ring, and Lux ran a finger over the matching one that adorned his own hand.

"I was trying to help you, even if I just ended up making a fool of myself for it." Lux made a half-hearted attempt at a grin, but it fell off his face before long. "I'm sorry, aniika. I was being selfish. And irrational. And too proud for my own good."

She laughed, and even if there was an echo of sadness beneath it, it was a good thing to hear.

"You just... you have to let me be there for you, okay? You don't always have to be the strong one. I can take over for a bit, if you ever need me to," Lux said. "I'd give up the galaxy for you if you said the word. I'd give it up for you over and over again. I'm here for you – unconditionally. But you have to let me help you."

"There's nothing I want more," she whispered, and her holographic fingers reached out as if trying to touch him. "You're the man I love."

Lux laughed softly. "What did I ever do to deserve someone like you?"

A faint smile appeared on Ahsoka's face, as if privately, she found something funny. As it grew, it became contagious, and before long Lux was grinning too, his smile widening until his lips parted crookedly over his teeth.

"You can come if you want, Lux. I'm not going to try to keep you away. I just..." She sighed, biting her lip. "I don't want the kids to see me like this."

"No, it's okay. You need space right now, and, as much as I like to pretend to the contrary... like you said, we aren't teenagers anymore." Lux smiled. "And there's wisdom in knowing where you're needed most."

*Fortunately, Ahsoka and Lux have made up. But while they're secure in their relationship now, will their bond still withstand the tests of time and turmoil? What other dangers could be awaiting husband and wife, as well as their kids and their friends? How much deeper will Ahsoka choose to delve into the mystery surrounding Vader? And will she learn the truth willingly, or will she be pulled in without knowing it? They say ignorance is bliss, and she may just be about to find herself reminded of that in the worst way possible... You'll find out how in the next thrilling chapter of The Unchronicled Adventures Of Ahsoka Tano!




Anyways this point, we have to wonder how much Lux really suspects is going on with Ahsoka... obviously he can't know everything, I mean they've only talked a few times since Valunn, but it won't be long before he starts to start reading the signs and realize something's up.

And to celebrate Lux's partial redemption from jerk-dom (hi, Nelgiz), have a terribly drawn panel I came up with about an hour ago:

And to celebrate Lux's partial redemption from jerk-dom (hi, Nelgiz), have a terribly drawn panel I came up with about an hour ago:

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And yes, Lux's torso is floating in mid-air. (It's actually not, I was just too lazy to draw it XD) Don't ask.

So yeah, thus concludes the... *checks reference document on phone because I don't even remember now* FOURTH out of seven story arcs of book Ten. Though I'm kind of tied for one of the upcoming story arcs though, because I reeeeaaaaallllyyyyy want to include it for character development and theme and motives and stuff but at the same time I feel like it might mess with the flow of the storyline...

Ah well, I guess we'll cross that bridge when we get to it :D

Anyway, I'm all caught up on my updates, yay! Tomorrow I'm gonna be busy for part of the day, but if I wake up (read, 'if someone wakes me up by mistake getting ready for the day') early enough, maybe I'll be able to pull another chapter off. 

Because after all, it's going to be *spoiler alert* based off a Rebels episode, so I can just pirate off the dialogue and stuff, which definitely does NOT take as long to write as one of my own chapters XD

Until then...

Realize the Force is strong in your family and may the Force be with you,


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