Not So Unexpected Bravery

Start from the beginning

"Amee!" Kili yelled after her but she only looked back at Fili.

"Please take make sure he is safe and tell him I love him and that I will return to him." Amee told Fili before disappearing through the flames. She didn't think this all the way through but all Amee cared about was to get Bain back to safety.

"Amee!" Kili screamed but Fili held him back.

"No! Let me go!" Amee could hear him in the distance but still she could not stop.

"No! Leave them. We cannot go back." Tauriel told them whilst the other dwarves tried their best to keep Kili down.


Amee ran after Bain and tried her best to catch up with him. She found him at a boat. He jumped when Amee touched his shoulder.

"Bain! What were you thinking?!" Amee screamed at him.

"I need to get this to Da." Bain yelled through the noise and showed her the Black Arrow. "I am not leaving without him."

"I know Bain, but this is dangerous. Do you really think that your father would want you to put yourself at risk like this? Let me take the arrow to him. Let me do Bard that favor of keeping his family safe." Amee told him and she could see he was conflicted about what to do. "Please just take the boat and get out of here."

Bain was scared and she knew it but he finally nodded and gave her the arrow.

"Please don't let my Da die." Bard pleaded and Amee gave him a hug.

"I will do the best I can." Amee whispered before running towards the tower. People were screaming all around her but right now, Amee had to concentrate on climbing the tower.

"Bard!" Amee yelled as she finally reached the top.

"Amee? What are you doing here? You're supposed to be with my children." Bard said hysterically.

"They are safe. I came here to help you instead of your son. This something I have to do." Amee told him.

"There's no use. There's no way to stop him." Bard said in defeat. Amee couldn't help but smile.

"This might." Amee said showing him the arrow. Bard had never looked happier in his life.

"Amee, you might have just saved everyone." Bard said kissing her forehead.

"That's kind of what I do." Amee tried to be funny. "Look out!" The dragon came towards them to destroy the tower. Amee and Bard laid themselves down to get away from Smaug's grip.

"Amee, are you all right?" Bard asked her looking over her.

"Yes, I'm ok. He didn't hurt me." Amee answered looking up at the dragon who had landed in the middle of the city. Amee could not help but admire this majestic creature. Sure, he was deadly and scary but still, he was actually beautiful.

"Who are you that would stand against me?" Smaug asked looking at Bard, not noticing Amee yet. Bard reached for his bow but it was broken in half.

"Now, that is a pity. What will you do now, Bowman? You are forsaken, no help will come." Smaug said inching a little closer. That was when Amee stood up. Her bow was still intact, do to being elvish made. Smaug stopped when he finally caught Amee's scent.

"Well, well... I never thought I would ever smell that familiar scent again. I thought the Pale Orc took care of your line of dwarves." Smaug said looking intently at Amee.

"Well Smaug, what can I say. Middle-Earth is full of surprises. It takes a lot to kill a future queen." Amee said smugly.

"Maybe I should do the Pale Orc a favor and end the line of Gemstone once and for all." Smaug said, moving a little closer.

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