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Hey guys (click the song above you dont have to if you dont want to i just really think it will go good with this A/N) I have been having nightmares recently and they about my moms boyfriend being so crazy phyco killer called Dr.evil....I know who would have that supervillan name my mind comes up with weird stuff....anyways every time I go by there room in the dream he laughs evily and there's dead people everywhere and me being the skiddish person I am I run into my room and close the door and then I think 'I need to call 911'. It oh wait while running dream me dropped her tablet and just rea
Lized it!!!!! Ugh.....I can't believe this I haven't had nightmares in so long then bam! This pops up...... And its morning and I need to get breakfast and I have to walk past their room T~T

a s p e c t a b u n d ~ the new member of team ten|| emilio martinez ~finished~Where stories live. Discover now