Chapter 20

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So flying on a dragon: not comfortable but freaking awesome - kind of like being strapped to the top of a fighter jet. Therefore, it was freezing and too windy to poke my head out between his toes for long. It was pitch black anyway. He flew high where the air was thin which made me sleepy. I pulled the furs over me and counted stars until I drifted off.

When I awoke it was still dark and I was being carried in Cullen's arms in his furs along a snowy mountain pass in a blizzard. I buried my head into his neck. Although he was buck naked, his body radiated warmth into my bones.

He stopped outside a run-down shack. 'Maker's blood. Did she really mean here?' he said under his breath, sounding irate.

He kicked the door open with his foot.

We entered a room with a bed and a fireplace. Nothing more. The walls, floor and bed were made of wood. Even though it was snowing outside, the temperature dropped like we were inside a wooden crate in a freezer.

He clenched his jaw. 'Nothing to burn in the fireplace apart from the bed, kitten,' he said looking down at me.

I smiled sleepily. I was alright. I had my own personal radiator. 

'Go back to sleep, it's late,' he said and lay me down on the bed, covering me in the woolen blanket, placing the fur on top of that.

He secured the door, and opened the bag. His back was to me. He paused, took a long, shuddering breath, dropped the bag and looked at his feet.

My teeth began to chatter. The cold was intense. I squeezed my eyes shut and curled into a ball.

He rubbed his hand through his curls and let out a long sigh. He paced towards the fireplace, his muscular body tense as a bow string. He stroked the nape of his neck. Then in one fluid movement he entered the bed beside me. He lay on his back and pinched the middle of his forehead with his eyes closed.

'Cold,' I said. I rolled into him, lay my head on his chest and pressed my body against his as much as I could.

He took in a sharp breath, held it then let it out with another shuddering sigh. Then he repositioned me so my back was curled into his front, my head on his hard bicep. His other arm kept my stomach warm.

'Sleep.' His growly whisper sounded like a barked order.

Yes, Commander. I drifted back to sleep.

I awoke to find we'd changed positions in the night. I was rolled right into him. Both his arms were around me. My head lay on his warm, smooth chest. I could feel his lungs move up and down, hear his regular breathing and the soft thud of his heartbeat at my ear. I moved my head to look past his stubbled jaw, wondering what the time was. There were no windows but I could see daylight through the crack under the door.

My movements woke him. His eyes fluttered open and darkened when they saw me. His lips parted into a slow smile that sent a shot of desire straight between my legs. He dipped his head down and I kissed his scar and moved my lips to his, but he jerked my shoulders back at the same time locking my bottom half more firmly into his body with his thighs.

'I can't,' he said, his velvety tone suddenly sounded rough.

I bit my lip. 'Sorry. Forgot. Take your potion.'

'I can't do that either.' He groaned and pulled my shoulders back into him by squeezing his arms together.

His smell was divine. I shivered against him but not from the cold. My stomach curled. My hips moved of their own accord to rub against him. 'You told me to make you.'

Dragon Knight-Commander (A Cullen Rutherford Shapeshifter Romance)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें