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Chapter 30

I lean against a wall in the kitchen, my phone to my ear and I watch the other three in the living room talking. Even though they are in my apartment, I somehow feel like I'm intruding... like I'm interrupting them.

"Maria's Pizza, how can I help you?" The familiar voice of Emilio picks up. I guess the kitchen got done early today.

I immediately start to reprimand him over the phone for stealing again, he maybe older then me, but this bitch is going to get his ass thrown in jail...again, "¡No puedes robar cosas a la gente! ¿Y si tu mamá se enteró de nuevo? Huh? ¡Su culo estarío en la calle más rápido de lo que ello podría comenzar a disculparse!" (You cannot steal things from people! What if your mom found out again? Huh? Your ass would be on the street faster than you could start to apologize!)

He attempts to shout over me but I move into a spare room behind the kitchen to continue yelling at him, ignoring the laughter from the other room... it seems to entertain people, I've learned, when someone starts to yell at someone else in a different language. I just find it easier to yell at him this way because I can talk faster, "Fue para algunos niños tarde! ¡Oye! ¡Oye! ¡Para de gritar! Maldita mujer..." (It was for some late kids! Hey! Hey! Stop shouting! Damn woman...)

"Aye! Do not call me woman!" I snap and hear his soft laughter in the background.

"¡Amiga! It's good to hear from you." He greets, realizing its me, not some random woman, but I'm still fuming.

"You stole the pizza from some friends of mine." I inform him and he sighs.

"I'm sorry, do you want a pizza then?"

"No, Emilio," I snap sarcastically, "I called your sister's pizza restaurant to order Indian."

He pauses, "We don't do Indian..."

I pull the phone from my ear, cursing lightly at his bluntness, "Emilio, sometimes I wonder..."

"I kid, I kid... I'll bring over some pizza, Dio don't kill me." He mumbles the last part but before he hangs up I add something quickly.

"¿Puedes conseguir cerveza, por favor?" (Can you get some beer, please?)

He sighs, "Chica, ya no se supone que haga eso, Sarah me odia cuando hago eso..." (I'm not supposed to do that anymore, Sarah hates me when I do that...)

I lean my forehead against a wall, "Te daré un día de nuevo..." (I'll give you a day again...) of course I mean when I let him boss me around for a day. Make me wipe the tables, do the dishes, and of course help him clear up any trouble he has caused.

"Aye, amiga, you drive a hard bargain... dos días." He counters and I tap my foot impatiently. (Two days.)

"Dos días and pick me up some coffee at the store." I say and he laughs slightly.

"Some people are addicted to weed, some people are addicted to a bottle, you amiga, are addicted to coffee." He informs me, making me roll my eyes.

"Better then some addictions..." I mumble but quickly realize how much time I've been spending in here, shit they probably think this was really weird, "Ciao, no mueres." (Bye, don't die.)

"Adiós, chica." He responds, and I can almost hear the smile in his voice.

I quickly walk back out and meet the look of two generally very confused looking people and one blind man acting confused, "Emilio answered the phone."

Blurry Vision ∷ Daredevil; Matthew MurdockWhere stories live. Discover now