Chapter 1

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Sage heard the all too familiar screaming coming from down stairs. It was her mom and dad fighting, they never were the Same after her brother died. Her mom became more abuseve then before and when her dad was home he was normally drinking.

knowing that this pain would never end. Eventually she fell asleep but the nightmares came. She woke up in a cold sweat, Sage quickly got up to go check on her brother Percy.

He always sleepted in and that always made him late for school, so she would wake him up. Walking down the hall she stood in front of his door. Opening it she saw his musclier frame fast asleep his dirty blonde hair covering his green eyes. "Wake up" Sage said pushing him.

"Just ten more minutes" Percy responded. "You're already late per" Sage said knowing that was the only way too wake him up. All 5'11 of him shot up insanity and Sage burst out laughing at his face of sheer terror. 

"This isn't funny i can't be late" he said grabbing a shirt. "It's only 7:00, you have time". "What the heck man, you scared the crap out of me" Percy said putting on the shirt.

"Well it got you up". "Yeah it did, hey is gunner taking us to school or are we waking". "I'll go see,but he's probably already at work".

"Yeah well no harm in checking" she heard him say while walking out of the room. "Gunner you here" she shouted down the hall. "Gunner" she said knocking on his door.

Opening it she saw no one, turning around she tripped over one of gunners books that some how got there. "Is he here" Percy shouted from his room. "No like I said he's at work, looks like we got to walk again" Sage shouted back.

"Well then we better leave now so we're not late" he shouted back. "Well then hurry up I'm already ready" Sage said getting off the floor. "Yup so am I" Percy said exciting his room.

"Aren't you forgetting something " Sage said. "Um no...oh I'll be right back" Percy said running into his room. Coming back out with his backpack "let's go".

Walking out of the door Sage grabbed her backpack that was hanging on the hall tree. They walked for a mile before Percy was at his school. "Bye, oh and Fran try not to get into any fights today" Percy said entertaining his school. "I'll try but you know me" Sage said with  a laugh.

She new she was going to get in a fight though it wouldn't be her fault. "Maybe today they will leave me alone" she thought to herself. " I wonder if clay will be at school today" she continued to think.

Clay was her best friend. Clay aka C was never at school because he was always sick. Getting lost in thought she ran into him.

"Oh sorry...oh hey your here" Sage said rubbing the back of her head. "Yeah and that's some welcome" he said laughing. "The doctors say that I should be good for the rest of the year, lucky me".

"That's amazing, now I have someone to hang out with". "You always had Percy" . "Yeah but he doesn't beat you" Sage said going into the school. "I guess" C said shrugging.

Looking down at he watch she was filled with dread."Oh crap we're going to be late" Sage said running to their class. "Race you" clay shouted catching up with her. Sage started to slow down but in doing so caused C to run her over.

"Ugh get off of me" Sage said pushing him off. "Oh god sorry" C said jumping off of her. "It's cool, but I won" She said entertaining the class. "Whatever" he said following her in.

"Just in time" mr King said. "Take a seat and we'll get started" he continued. Mr King was their English teacher, it also happened to be the only class that they share. "We will begin with..." mr King started before someone burst through the door.

" sorry I'm late ". "It's quite all right just take a seat, as I was saying" Mr King continued. English was Sage's favorite subject well next to science.

She loved getting lost in the story's that she wrote. It was the only way to get away from all her troubles.

Class was soon over and Sage and C parted ways she new once she left him t she would become a moving target. All what she had to do was get to math fast and nothing would happen luckily math was close. "Hey Sage " but I guess not close enough.

"Don't ignore me" came the voice again. "Yes" Sage replied. "Oh don't you yes me" the voice said again pushing her into the lockers. "Hey James could we skip today maybe. I have to get to class".

"Really trying to talk your way out .why don't you take this like a man" he said dragging her into the bathroom. "You smell horrible you could use a shower" he said shoving her head into the toilet bowl. He did it again and again for a few minutes.

"Time to get to class slut" he said walking out. She sat there for a few seconds then got up to get to class she was going to be late and her teacher would be pissed.

She ran to the class room but it was to late. "Please explain to everyone why you are late miss jones" Mr smith said.

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