Chapter 21

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🌊2 Weeks Later

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🌊2 Weeks Later

💋Tiana's Pov💋

I walked into the school to see Thalia and Robby all hugged up

"Don't let them bother you"Lori said

"Oh I'm not"I said

"You still having that thing at your house tonight?"Sara said

"Yeah...why?"I said

"I just wanted to know because i'm inviting Leon"she said

"And I'm inviting Christian"Lori said

I nodded as we walked into class


I opened to the door to see..

"Hey Christian"I said while smiling

"Hey"he said with a nervous smile

I think he has a little crush on me

"Everybody is in living room"I said

He went into the living room and then guess who's car pulled up🤗

I smiled as he got out of the car and started walking up to me then he hugged me and I hugged him back

"Hey baby"I said while smiling

"Hey"he said

I pecked his lips and then grabbed his hand and guided him into the living room where everyone was

"Wassup Brandon"They said

"Wassup"he said

We sat on the couch and then I heard a knock on the door

"Who the fuck could that be?"Lori said

I shrugged and got up and answered the door to see....

Thalia and Robby

"Hey T"she said while smiling

"Hey..we're in the living room"I said

They went into the living room and sat down and I sat next Brandon as he eyed Robby

I grabbed the remote

"What y'all wanna watch?"I said

"Let's watch Meet The Blacks"Leon said

"No..I seen it already..let's watch Get Out"Sara said

I turned on Get Out

"I gotta use the bathroom"Robby said

"Imma pop some popcorn"Brandon said

They both got up at the same time but as Brandon was walking past Robby he bumped into him

"You did that shit on purpose"Robby said

"And?"Brandon said

"Why you got a big problem with me?"Robby said

"Cause you a bitch"Brandon said

"How am I a bitch?"Robby said

"You called a female out of her name..only a bitch would do that" Brandon said

"I call her exactly what she is..a hoe"Robby said

Brandon swung and it hit Robby and then they started fighting

"Stop!"Me and Thalia yelled

We pulled them apart

"Get off of me!"Robby yelled

Leon let him go and walked out and Thalia ran after him

I grabbed Brandon's face

"Are you okay?"I said while checking his face for bruises

"I'm good"he said

"Well that was interesting"Lori said

I sighed
Interesting Chapter😇

Thalia,Sara and Lori😍😍😍

Remember to vote and comment because I check and read them

Thank you loves💕


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