chapter 1

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Hello umm I dont own blue exocist and fairy tail.And I really Hope you enjoy chapter 1 of this story.Im going to make more if you want me to kept going. ^_^

Fairy Tail Guide

It was a normal day at the guid until Mephosite (I think how to spell) pop out in the middle of the guid.The guid stop on what they were doing and look at Mephosite.Until natsu went yo to him.

Natsu:Hey Who are you?And what are you doing in are guide?

Mephosite:Im sorry but can I meet your guide máster for a sec?

Natsu:What do you want with gramps?

Makato (I think how to spell):Stop your bladin natsu, now what do you want to talk about.

Mephosite:Well I have a request is that can 2 people join your guide for at least a year or three.

Makato:mmmm....... alright.

Mephosite:Oka but a little heads up don't get them mad if you don't want to burn this place.


Mephosite open a portal and two boys came out of It.

Rin:Hey mephosite were are we and why are we here?

Yukio: Don't tell me you forgot!

Rin:Well sorry but someone kept bagging inside me all night I fell asleep the next day.

Yukio:Well sorry I---

Mephosite:Oka Oka stop the fighting or take it outside.


Makato:Hello there I am the Fairy tail guide máster Makato.

The rest of the guid were still looking at those three.

Yukio:Hey mephosite is It oka we tell them our names.

Mephosite:It is oka but before I go I pack your stuff at a house I bought and in case your wondering your cat is in the house as Well... well todalo.

Mephosite dissapear

Natsu:Are you going to tell us your names and after you get your guide mark one of you fight me to see how strong you are.

Everybody in the guid sweat drop on what natsu said.

Rin:I will fight y---.

Yukio touch rin shoulder.

Rin:ooohhhh uuummm...... never mind.

Yukio:Hello I am yukio okumoro the younger twin.

Rin:I am rin okumoro the older twin.

Erza and her Friends came up.

Erza:I am erza welcome to the guid.

Lucy:Hello im Lucy.

Gray:I'm gray.

Natsu:And im natsu.

Happy:And im natsu exceed Happy.

Makato:Well if you wish to stay you have to answer one question.And that is what is your Magic power?

Blue Exocist crossover Fairy Tail (Slow Update)Where stories live. Discover now