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Harry turned over and wrapped an arm around his boyfriend who was still slumbering. It had been three days with no word of the war ending. Occasionally when Draco wasn't around, Harry would listen to the radio to get insight on who died.

There was no word on Dumbledore or Riddle so Harry wasn't panicked yet. There would definitely be word on either of their deaths.

Harry pressed a kiss to Draco's head and then got out the bed. He left the room and wandered into the kitchen where Blaise was sitting at the table drinking some tea.

"Morning." Harry greeted.

"Morning." Blaise greeted back. "Draco still asleep?"

"Yeah, Neville?"

"Mhmm." Blaise nodded. "I had the radio on before." He mentioned. "The death toll reached 100."


"No one has seen Dumbledore nor Riddle so it's not over." He explained and then swallowed. "We lost another one."

"Yeah? Who?" Harry asked pouring himself some tea.

"Greyback." Blaise replied.

"Are the Malfoy's still alive?" He asked and Blaise nodded.

"As far as I know." Blaise answered and then they heard footsteps. Arms wrapped around Harry's front as a chin rested on his shoulder.

"Morning." Draco rasped.

"Ah there is my lovely boyfriend." Harry cooed. "How'd you sleep?"

"Great. What were you talking about?" He asked with a yawn and Harry just patted the side of his face.

"Just how long we'll be here."

"I think another few days." Draco muttered. "Can I have some of your tea?" He questioned so Harry handed it to him. After Draco took a sip, Harry kissed his lips.

"Hopefully not much longer." Harry told him. They heard more footsteps until Neville emerged. He looked incredibly pale and horribly disturbed.

"Nev, what's wrong?" Blaise stood up and rushed over to Neville.

"I was listening to the radio upstairs." He mentioned and then looked straight at Blaise. "He's killed McGonagall." He let out a cry of distress before hiding his face into Blaise's neck.

"Hey shh, who did?"

"Dumbledore." He sobbed. "He killed her because she confronted him."

"Shh it's okay." Blaise rubbed Neville's back. "Did anyone else die?" He asked and Neville nodding whispering something into Blaise's ear. "Shit."

"What? Who was it?" Draco asked. Blaise glanced at him before whispering something to Neville. "Blaise!"

"Shh baby." Harry hushed. "Blaise?"

"Your father Draco." He said. "They killed Lucius." He told Draco who just shook his head.

"N-no." He shook his head. "You're... you're wrong. He's not dead." Draco refused to admit it.

"I'm so sorry." Neville gasped out.

Harry caught Draco as he fell. He held Harry tightly before sobbing into his arms.

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