Pyrowhisperer (Solar Warlock)

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(Alt for Sunsinger)

•(Subclass Name) Pyrowhisperer: "Unspeakable Flames That Ignite On Sight."

•(Equipment) Fire Breather: Allows you to Shoot fire from the Mouth.

•(Grenade) Sol Wave, Fireball, Firetrail.

Sol Wave: Swiping your Hand across causes a Wave summon of Flame, burning everyone in Range.

Fireball: Shoots a ball of Flame that incinerates anyone inside.

Firetrail: Summons a spark of fire and runs around the area freely. As it moves, it leaves a fire trail, burning anyone who touches it.

•(Special Melee) Flame Seeker: Burning a Target without touching them from short to midrange.

Flame Stalker: After Damaging an Enemy with Flame Seeker, periodically, the enemy will not be able to recover for awhile.

Flame Devourer: After Damaging an Enemy with Flame Seeker, the enemy will be slowed every once in a while.

Solar Rays: Damaging an Enemy with Flame Seeker will Temporary blind them, but at the Cost of Damage.

•(Super) Dragon Soul: Breathes Fire and anyone near will slowly burn.

Dragon's Scales: When Activated, you can take more damage and are highly resistant to Solar elemental attacks. Slightly less resistant to Arc and Void.

Dragon's Ring of Death: In Midair, Your Fire will create a giant ring.

Dragon's Claw: Able to Slam the ground for a Fireclap affecting damage in a large area.

•(Final Form) Ahamakara's Pyromaniac: Burn Everything: You burn enemies faster and can destroy any type of shields no matter the element. Absorb Solar damage to feed your energy.

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