Shadow Hunter (Void Hunter)

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(Alt for Nightstalker)

•(Subclass Name) Shadow Hunter: "You'll Never find it, But it Will Find You."

•(Equipment) Tether Hook: Using The Shadowshot Capabilities, Will allow you to use it as a Grappling Hook from a Pistol Styled Pullback Crossbow.

•(Grenade) Vector Arrow, Drain Steal, Adaptillusion.

Vector Arrow: Shooting it from the Tether Hook, Allows you to teleport to that area by Tether Hooking. Can be Destroyed

Drain Steal: When placed, it tethers you and enemies. When an Enemy is tethered, It Drains a Portion of their Super energy and transfers that exact portion to you if you're tethered at the same time. If not tethered, the orb stores the energy and waits for the User to reclaim it. Can be destroyed.

Adaptillusion: Enemies Mark by this, will shadow you in their vision, therefore Marked targets will see you as a shadow. Shooting or any form of attack in their vision you make will release the illusion.

•(Special Melee) Detainment Field (Projectile): Throwing this Equipment allows you to create a Small Dome to Trap any enemy for a short time.

Trap Keeper: Strengthens the Barrier.

Suppresser: Silences Any Abilities.

Trap Sneaker: When placed on a Surface, it waits for its prey.

•(Super) Shadowtrap: Shoots Three Shadowshot Arrows in a triangle form, when it lands, it forms a purple triangular cell that anyone that gets trapped, Eventually dies.

Exterminate: The Trap closes up faster.

Follow shot: If missed, the Orbs follow a target for a few seconds, and if the orbs catchup, the trap triggers.

Vacuum: When placed, it attracts nearby enemies and doesn't trigger until at least one enemy is caught.

•(Final Form) Dawn Chaser: The Shadowshot Bow can be used as a spinning blade. Instead of Tether Hook, the User can use its own hands to Grapple.

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