Knife Piercer (Solar Hunter)

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(Alt for Gunslinger)

•(Subclass Name) Knife Piercer: "Made for the Fiercest, Most Fiery Hunters Ever Made."

•(Equipment) Sun Strap: Allowing you To Carry a Large amount of Knives.

•(Grenade) Enhanced Throwing Knives: Due to the Fact That The Throwing Knives are Important and Vital, The Throwing Knives are also used as Grenades.

Fire Wire: Using Two Knives, Throwing them each of them on walls will create a wire connected to both of them, whenever an enemy passes through, the knives will be pulled and the string attached will wrap around the enemy, when that happens, the wire will burn and detain the enemy for a short time.

Flame Star: A Ninja Star that can be thrown, and Ricochet off from Multiple Surfaces. Can be Shot in Midair.

Cluster Blade: Shortly after thrown, It splits in to 7 Blades and stays in midair for its Target.

•(Special Melee) Dart: Throws a Solar Elemental Hard Light Blade that Instantly Kills an Enemy on Contact when thrown, or Impaled with.

Hidden Blade: Allows you to stealthily Perform Assassinations by approaching from the Back or Front. Going from the front is More Risky, but Quicker. Going from the back is Less Risky, But Takes Longer.

Spear Forger: This Replaces the Dart to a Spear for Longer and Faster Distances, but at the cost of the Cooldown.

Quick Reflexes: Charge Time is faster but at the cost of your Range.

•(Super) Hidden Claws: Activating this will allow you have Knives in between each of your fingers on each hand. Allowing you to throw 6 Knives at bullet Speeds and Infinite Range.

Flaming Rage: When Super is Active, You be invincible for a few seconds.

Redo: By Chance, If missed, You will receive one knife back once

Short-tempered: You can Throw faster, but at the Cost of the Duration of your Super.

•(Final Form) Flame Rain: Allows you to Summon A Storm of Flaming Knives from the Air.

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