back to class

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I was released from the hospital wing 2 days ago. Auntie poppy and papa are finally letting me to back to class. I was in my dorm room getting dressed. Draco slowly learning sign language has got down the basic words. He came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist causing me to smile. I turn around *good morning Mister house cat*  Draco started to sign back clumsily. *good morning my love* I gave him a quick kiss and threw on my robe and shoes.

When we got down to breakfast I was mobbed by Harry and his friends. They all started talking really fast. Draco and Hermione had to tell them to slow down and talk one at a time. My brother looked really confused. I turned to hermione *can you tell them i am deaf?* she nods and does as she is told.

Harry looked sad and hugs me tightly. I just hold him to me. Everyone being the nosey people they are just stared at us. Draco noticed too and took us all to sit at the gryffindor table.

After breakfast i went to my potions class. Thank god for my father knowing sigh language.  I sat up front and no one sat with me because being deaf is a 'mudblood thing'. I laid my head on the table and waited. I didnt hear my father come in with his always loud entrance for mondays. I felt someone shake me i looked up and it was my father. He glared at everyone else i guess they were laughing. *sorry papa i didnt notice you came in* his look softened *it's ok Just dont lay your head down and pay attention next time* I nodded. He continued the lecture with sign language too as he talked. It made it so much easier to take notes.

I was about o get up when papa stopped me *stay after for a minute* i nodded and stayed in my seat and waited for everyone to leave.  Papa sat at his desk and motioned for me to come over. I went to stand in front of his desk. *Leo, the rest of the teachers know but they cant sign. So you can take the rest of your classes with me or read lips of the teachers and they will try to talk slowly* i sighed *i know it might be hard but can i try to take normal classes and see how it goes* he nods and motions for me to come over to his side of the desk.  I do as i was told and papa gave me a hug. *if you get frustrated and need me today take this ring and put it on i will be there right away* he holds out  a silver and black ring with a intresting symbols all over it.

I take it and gently place it in my inner robe pocket. *thank you papa. I love you* i gave his a kiss on the cheek and left for my next class DADA Lupin teaches now thank god it wasnt that idoit 'locktart'. He actual made me wish squirrel Was still teaching.

*time skip to the 3rd class*

I was struggling so much right now. The other classes were a battle too. I write notes and look back uo and cant make out what they are saying anymore. it is slowly waring me down. I am right on the edge of a panic attack. I take out the ring and place it in front of me. The professor was trying to talk to me bit i couldn't understand. Thats when i snapped and put the ring on. I could breath anymore and was breaking down.

Papa came rushing in and kneeling in front of me. *hey dove its's ok i am here now* he places his hands on my shoulder *papa it got way to much for me to handle* he stood up and picked me up. Which was easy for my very short stature and that i am very light. He carried me back to his chambers. I laid my head on his shoulder and tried to calm down as much as i could. I felt him sit in his chair and just hold me. I could feek him start to hum. He use to do this when i was younger and had multiple panic attacks from being with my 'adopted' parents.  I clung to him with my head on his chest. I eventually fell asleep on him.

Sev P.O.V

I was in the middle of class when my wand started burning in my sleeve. 'Leo needs me now' "CLASS DISMISSED! you wilk alk go back to your dorms till next class. If you dont there will be major punishments". I rushed out the door and almost ran to the class leo had right now which was muggle studies that teacher was new and didn't believe me when i told her about leo's problem and that he was my son because how much he got from his mither side of the family. I rushed in to the class room and saw that no one noticed he was going into a panic attack. "Professor Snape why have you interupted my class" Leo saw me i heard him wimper "papa" it sounded painned almost. i glared at her and went to my sons side. I started to talk and sigh at the same time "* dove it's ok i am here now*".  I watched his hands as he sighed back. "Listen you know god women i am taking my son and mabye next time you should listen amd pay attetion to what goes on in the classroom." I picked up my son and stormed out and went to my chambers. Leo clung to me the entire time. I sat down in my chair and held him close to me. I started to hum the song i use to sing to him when he was a child. (Song above) he slowly relaxed and fell asleep. It hurts me seeing him like this i just hope this will ware off as soon as possible.

My friend prank called me on some one else phone. And asked if it was sal's gay bar. I told her  no it was Lance's trans bar. Sorry i havent updated in awhile.


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