Catching up

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Aunt Poppy finally let me out of the hospital wing a few days after the incident. It was so boring Draco could only visit for an hour before dinner and a few minutes after. Harry ditched his friends and visted once or twice. Don't get me started on dad he came all the time. He can get over protective expecially when I am hurt. Can't blame him I get hurt a lot.

It was still really early so I made my way to Draco's and my room. When I entered he was still asleep in his bed. He is so adorable when he's sleeping. I go and grab one of my books and sit next to him on his bed and read. A hour or 2 later a pair of arms wrapped around my waist and something heavy laid in my lap. "Dray you are worse then a cat sometimes" I look down to the blonde head laying on my lap snuggled against my shirt. "You like it thou" I could hear the smirk in his voice. I put my book down "I do" I played with his hair gently. "Why didn't you tell me pomfrey was letting you out early this morning?" "Because it is Saturday and I thought you will like to sleep in alittle" "I like sleeping in but your more important". There was a pecking sound at the window.  "There is a owl at the window Dray let me up" "give me a kiss first" I gave in and leaned down and gave him a small kiss. Draco reluctantly let go and i went to the  window.

At the window was a white owl. A letter tied around its foot. I took the letter and gave the owl a treat and it left. The letter was from harry.


Hogsmead trip today. My friends and I are going to the 3 broomsticks. I was wondering if you and Draco would like to come and hangout with us. Please I want to catch up with you!!

Your baby brother

"Who is it from love?" "Harry. He wants us to go hang out with him and his friends in hogsmead and catch up with each other. Please Dray?" I have him sad puppy eyes. "Fine only for you thou" I gave him a hug and let him go get ready for the day. I went and got dressed quick.

(Leo's outfit)

When Draco was done we went down to breakfast

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When Draco was done we went down to breakfast. This girl named pansy stopped us. "Draco come sit with me today" "No I am going to sit with Leo" Draco replied in an annoyed voice. Pansey had a suprised look on her face  "Leo? I am suprised your not dead me and Mike did a number on you"  and that set Draco off "YOU HURT HIM PANSEY?" "Y-yeah" "Miss Parkinson you will come with me to the headmaster office now!!" I smiled. "Dad be easy on her at least" Pansey paled greatly at that. Dad dragged pansey off as Draco dragged me to a spot at the slytherin table.

After we ate we went off to hogsmead to find my brother and his friends. We found them at the 3 broomsticks chatting with other students. "Harry there you are" I gave Harry a quick hug and sat next to him with Draco on the other side of me. The weasly boy looked so confused so did the bushy haired girl. "Harry why are there slytherin sitting with us especially why is malfoy here" the idiot glared at us. "Ron this is my brother and his boy friend". "I see it now he looks like your mother except for the eyes and hair" said the girl. "We have the same mother except my father is professer snape" I replied to her. Draco grabbed my hand under the table he knew I didn't like to talk about my mother. Ron spoke up "I am sorry your related to the dungon bat. He can't be very nice to you" "he is very nice to me Ronald always there if I need him. He rescued me from my abusive adopted parents when I was younger" that shut the weasly's mouth up. Harry broke the silents "I am sorry Leo about Ron. And that is Hermione by the way" I waved at her. "The dursleys I was left with after mum and my dad died they used me as a slave and treated duddly better than me by a lot"  I put my arm around harry. "At least we have each other. I can see if you can spend some of the summer with dad and I?" "Really? That would be awsome" Harry grinned at me and I smiled back.

We all got some butter beer and got to know everyone better. They started to like Draco too. After the drinks we went to honey dukes. I got some chocolate frogs and someother candies for later. For the rest of the day we just had fun and explored.

We all went back to the castle after the sunset. I said good bye to Harry and gave him a hug. Draco and I went to see my father. We went to his chambers and said the password which is 'Bat wing stew'. Dad was asleep in his chair with a book on his lap. Did I mention a picked up a charmed talking raven for my dad since I knew he would be lonely with out me in his chambers to bug him.

 Did I mention a picked up a charmed talking raven for my dad since I knew he would be lonely with out me in his chambers to bug him

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The raven started to talk in a child like voice. "He's asleep. I like him already" Draco laughed at the comment. I smirked and sat the cage down on the coffee table and let out the raven. She landed  on Severus' lap. "Hey Mr. sleepy pants get up the kids have to talk to you" that got dad awake. "Leo why is there a raven on my lap?" "It's your new pet, I got her for you because I know you are lonely" "ok then anything else" "I know Draco Is spending some of the summer with us but can harry come to? Before you say no the dursleys treat he like a house elf" "Well ok then he can come too" "thank you papa" I have him a hug. "The ravens name is tulip rose by the way, and she likes to read". Draco talked to snape for awhile and we went to bed. This is going to be an intresting school year.

Tulip rose might be good company for severus. Draco and Leo are deep in love. Ron is a git. Pansey is in a deep mess.  This completes this chapter. Halloween mischief is coming up. Leave comments and Sugestions are welcome


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