That's definitely a good sign.


I do a curtsy/vogue type pose for her.

"Just a little something I threw on. Glad you like it."

She grins.

"I can't see why anyone wouldn't with a skirt like that."

Her words make me blush.

I should say something about what she's wearing. It does look good on her.

"You look... I like what you're wearing."

Her grin gets bigger. She turns 90 degrees and thrusts her hip out at me when she poses.

"I'm glad. I wanted to look good."

She wanted to look good? For going to the movies with me?

"Well, mission accomplished."

We both don't say anything for a second. Faith breaks things up by looking up at the movie listings.

"So did you have a movie in mind?"

"A couple..."

I had to think a lot about it. It's hard to think of a movie that Faith might like, because I'm not entirely sure what it is that she likes. And I want her to think I'm cool by choosing something that she might like but I won't hate. So I kinda chose a couple different ones in case she doesn't like some of them.

"I was thinking, maybe Texas Chainsaw Massacre. It's on in 15 minutes."

The second she hears the movie title, her eyebrow goes up and she looks at me funny.

"You, wanna see Texas Chainsaw Massacre?"

"Kinda, why? Don't you?"

She chuckles.

"I get a lot of blood and guts and stuff being a slayer, especially with my history. I've out grown my obsession with it. I'm just surprised as hell that you'd wanna to see it."

Doing my best mock offence impression, I respond.

"Hey, you know, there's a lot about me that you don't know. I can like blood and guts and stuff. Remember I'm the one who doesn't have to deal with it every day. That's what my sister's for."

"I'll take your word for it."

We both laugh a bit at that.

"We still need a movie though. You said you had a couple ideas?"

Okay, idea number two.

"Umm, yeah... we could always see the new Star Wars."

Again I get the funny look.

"Nah, if we did and Andrew found out he'd never shut up about it every time we saw him. He'd have to be slayed."

I figured that might be her reaction. Rather than try my other ideas right away I think I'll go with plan B.

"All right then, you pick one."

Faith looks up at the list of movies and I can't help but think that she's got a really nice neck.

It looks very soft and smooth. The kind of neck I'd like to snuggle up to, maybe kiss a few hundred times or something. Is there any part of her that isn't sexy?

She stretches her neck out and shifts it back and forth a bit. Suddenly, I realize I'm staring.

"Get a good look?"

Just a Girl (girlxgirl) (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now