Chapter Nineteen

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My eyes were fixed on the floor as they continued speaking and I tried to catch up with what they were saying but I honestly don't think I ever did and still haven't caught up. "Elizabeth, could you tell us how you feel in yourself?" Someone asks, I honestly can't remember who she is, I think she's one of the main doctors, don't hold me to that though.

"Fine" I responded to them talking while I looked to my right where the figure was stood, I was listening to him and what he was saying. 'Don't trust them' and 'their going to let the others in' were two of the main things the figure is telling me and began to rub my arm frantically causing a friction burn "stop Elizabeth" Nicole tells me but I was focused on the figure, j was then restrained to stop me from hurting myself any more

The assessment was straight after my Ward round but it wasn't in the same room. I didn't understand some things which were going on but surely they should have explained it in simpler terms; I mean I'm not a doctor I don't understand all these terms that are being used. It was so confusing.


Finally I was allowed back to my room, I sat on my bed listening to music and wanting to go home. It was lunch time but I wasn't going to go and eat anything, I'm too fat, I'm ugly and I don't need to put any weight on. Their was a knock at my door and then someone opened it it was my main support worker Chloe "are you coming for lunch?" She asked and I shook my head. I thought I was in one-to-one but I guess I've gone up to either fifteen minutes, half an hour or hourly checks, I am just going to have to figure it out myself

I guess lunch was soon over because their was another knock at the door so I walked to the door with my headphones in and looked out, Heidi and Josh were stood by the door "want to come to the quite lounge and watch a film with us?" Josh asked me and I shrugged "come on, it will just be us three" Heidi tried to persuade me to join them, I wasn't ready to socialise fully. "What are we going to watch?" I asked in a soft and quite tone "Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix, it's our favourite out of all the Harry Potter movies" Heidi smiled and I grinned slightly "mine too" I added to the conversation.

I joined them going to the quite lounge where I was stopped a minute by Chloe and the doctor who I now know her name to be Tami "we got you a Tangle, thought it might help with when your anxious" Tami told me and I nodded slowly as she hands me the tangle and I then join Josh and Heidi in the lounge

Emilia's POV

Elizabeth hasn't been around in a while and I miss her, she's my big sister, I didn't really understand why she wasn't home so I guess I have to ask mummy and daddy but after school. I can't ask them now since I'm in school


School finished and Mummy came to pick me up "how was school princess?" Mummy asked me as she helped me with my seat belt when I was sat comfortably in my car seat. "It was fun, we did some drawing too" I grinned happily showing my drawing which was meant to be me and Elizabeth "that's great Em" mummy smiled looking at my picture. "It's me and Elizabeth" I smiled widely "I love it princess" mummy smiled.

"Mummy can I give it to her?" I asked mum as she looked like she was unsure "we will talk about this when we get home, alright, I think you and Wardo deserve to know what's going on" mummy smiled softly making me believe something was going on, something that isn't good. Mum got into the drivers seat and we were soon heading home. We got stuck at some traffic lights where their was some sort of work going on which annoyed me, I wanted to know where Elizabeth was, I miss my sister so much.

Once we were at home mummy sent me to get dressed and then told me to go and play for a minute so I obeyed her. I was soon dressed in a simple t-shirt and a pair of leggings before I went downstairs and played with my toys with Eduardo too.

Anna's POV

I've hated lying to the kids but we weren't sure how to explain things to them so they understood, and we didn't want it on the vlogs, not until Eliza is ready for it to be on them, I sent Emilia to get dressed and play while I talked to Jonathan

"We've got to tell Emilia and Eduardo about, Eliza. Emilia wants to know I can tell and we can't keep on lying to her about where she is" I told my husband while grabbing myself a bottle of water "your right, they need to know that their sister isn't going to be home for awhile and we will be visiting her where she is" Jonathan agreed with me which I was glad about.

Half an hour after arriving home with Emilia we called the kids to sit down "I think it's time we tell you where your sister is" Jonathan began as we sit either end of the kitchen table with both Emilia and Eduardo on their own chairs "is she poorly?" Emilia asked us and we nodded "yes she is princess. Her head is poorly at the moment and she is somewhere she will get the help with it" I began unsure how to explain what was wrong since we don't technically know what is wrong with her "but why she not coming home?" Eduardo asked sweetly.

"Well she's not coming home because where she is staying they need to watch her, understand why her head is poorly so they can help her" Jonathan adds on to our explanation "when can we see Essie, I miss her" Emilia asked softly and I could see tears in her eyes "we can go and visit on Saturday, you could take your picture to show her" I smiled to my youngest daughter. "I miss her home, her playing with me and Wardo" Emilia softly spoke as the tears which were in her eyes began rolling down her cheeks.

I really wish I could help with the explaining more but I can't and neither can Jonathan, we would if we could but we haven't got a diagnosis yet or any answers


Hi guys

I hope you enjoyed this chapter because I enjoyed writing it for you guess. I just wish I could put more detail into the chapters which will be coming up but I don't know about that yet so please just bear with me.


Love you all

Remember to stay strong

Jess xx

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