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Warning: in this chapter there will be death. It may be too emotional for some. The idea is, if you don't want to read about the seven dying, then don't read the first part of this chapter. I will have a bolded note when their death ends, but Percy will still obviously be grieving. Thank you.

Percy's POV:

I rushed forward, not caring what happened to me. I had to get to the others. I had to help them, but as I ran, I saw a sword pierce through Piper's stomach. She was the closest to me, so I ran as fast as I could so that I could get to her.

When I got there, I fell to my knees beside her. I could hear Jason calling out to her, probably running up to us as well, but that didn't matter to me at the moment. Piper needed me. She was gasping in my arms, choking on her own blood as it filled her lungs. There was nothing I could think of to stop it.

I saw tears in Piper's eyes, probably from the pain, and her crying only made it harder for her to breath. She was trying to tell me something, I think. . . but I couldn't hear her, she couldn't catch enough breath to speak properly.

Hearing a thud behind me, I turned just enough to see why Piper was crying.

Jason lay, not three feet from us, a battle-axe embedded in his chest. He'd died protecting the love of his life. You could still see the look of determination, frozen on his face. His eyes were both open and distant, all I could think about was that he'd never see Piper again. . . until I heard her gasp in my arms.

Looking down, I saw Piper, still struggling to stay alive, looking at her dead lover, tears and blood mixing on her face. . . and nothing. She just stopped struggling. She gave up fighting death, and her eyes to, became a milky glaze, never to been seen out of again.

I knew  I had to get up, to help the others, so I closed both of their eyes, and wished them safe passage to Elysium. They deserved it more than anything. . . and at least they'll be together. . .

I surveyed the battle in front of me. . .

Things had gone from bad to worse ever since we'd gotten back to camp for the final battle. We had already lost enough, and now Jason and Piper were two more names on the list. . .

I searched the crowd quickly, scanning for familiar faces, for people who needed help. A hellhound tried to tackle me to the ground, but I quickly swiped Riptide through it's dark pelt, killing it almost instantly.

After that, came an empousi, then a Cyclops, and afterwards countless more. After a while of fighting my way through the army of monsters, covered head to toe in blood and sweat, I saw Hazel and Gabriel, a camper from the Hermes cabin I'd known only briefly, fighting back to back against the sea of monsters.

I made my way as fast as I could over to them, and helped hold off the tirade of creatures that were currently trying to kill us. I fought with everything I had, but in the end, it wasn't enough.

Leo had tried to come and help us, along with some other campers that I didn't even know the names of, but none of them could get past the oack of hellhounds... the were all torn to peices, and when Hazel cried out for Leo, an arrow embedded itself into her skull. She was dead before she hit the ground, with only two hellhoubd left, Gabriel and I fought as hard as we could.

We killed them, but Gabriel had a long gash in his side, and I told him to go get himself some medical help. Needless to say, he didnt argue with me.

I looked around me, and, seeing tge chaos in my home, I found it unvelievably hard to focus on any one thing. I watched as everyone and everything I loved slowly fell.

Even Frank, who got his throat slit by a betraying demigod. Before I could go after him, a cyclops misstook him for one if us and crushed him with a club.

Through all of this, one thought kept creeping back into my mind...

Were is Annabeth?

I looked all around me, still fighting against too many monsters to count... then I finally saw her. She was alone. And fighting Gaea herself...


I sprinted through the monster, using everything I had to get to her. I even used my powers to use the lake's water to blast some of the monsters away... but it wasn't enough...
none of it...

By the time I'd gotten there, Annabeth was bleeding out of the ground, barely alive, a knife through her chest.

This is the end of the seven's death.

An anger I hadn't felt since Tartarus shot through me, and when Gaea laughed, I let it all out. All the hatred and resentment I'd held inside, every time I'd been angry or even just upset, everything was poured into this moment.

The others had to tell me what happened afterwards.

I used my powers to suck all of the moisture from the earth she was made from, then, as I watched her scream from the pain of the sudden lack of water, I flooded her with everything I could manage.

After that, I dried her again, and used riptide to cut off one of her arms, and because of the lack of water, she couldn't move to heal herself, and she felt ever once of pain. And I loved that.

Gaea deserved worse than death. What she deserved was eternal suffering. Suffering for everything she'd done. For everyone she'd killed. For Piper. For Jason. Leo, Hazel, Frank... for Annabeth...

By the time I was done, Gaea was screaming for the death she couldn't have, and I was so exhausted I could barely stand. Nico had come up beside me, and taken my sword away, and Gaea swore to go back to sleep if they kept me away.

I looked over at Annabeth's blood-stained body, and fell to the ground beside her. I remember sobbing, holding her body close to my chest while the others took care of Gaea. I didn't care anymore.

My Wise Girl was gone...

After a while, I felt a gentle hand on my back. By then, I'd stopped crying, there were no more tears left in me, and I looked up to see Nico standing there.

He was saying something about the infirmary, but I couldn't really understand it. Everything felt wrong. Like nothing was real.

After a while, Nico gave up trying to talk sense into me, and, still gently, unwrapped my arms from Annabeth's corpse, and led me slowly towards the infirmary.

I didn't fight. I didn't have that in me anymore.

Once there, Nico led me to a bed near the back, where Will was waiting.

"Hi Percy." He said, and he smiled sadly at me. Something about the way he was acting told me that he was being careful. As though he thought I might break at any minute. "Just lay down, I'll check your wounds. And here, take this."

He handed me a medium sized pill, and I swallowed it without really caring what it was. All I could focus on was their faces.

Sitting on the bed, I allowed Will to clean and bandage my wounds, and found myself slowly getting sleepier.

It really was a challenge to keep my eyes open... I yawned, and felt my head start to drop a bit...

I felt my head hit something warm and solid, and soon realized that it was Will's chest. I would have moved, but right now I was too tired to care.

I was just about to fall asleep, when I felt hands guiding me down toward the bed I'd been sitting on.

The next thing I new, my head hit the pillow, someone draped a blanket over me, then I was out like a light.

So, what'd you guys think? Too much? Not enough? Feel free to comment. I am open to opinions and will not be offended in the least. Please don't be afraid to share what you think! Thank you.

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