Christmas Eve with Him

Start from the beginning

“How can I forget?” He said handing me a box.

“Yey!” I said handing him peanut and opening the box.

“Are you doing anything at your lab?” Kai asked as we walk back to the living room

“None. I decided to take a rest today.” I answer as I sit down. “Do you want coffee or chocolate to drink?”

“Chocolate.” Kai answered sitting in front of the fire.

“I’ll just go get you a cup.” I said and skipped to the kitchen. I fixed him his favorite chocolate drink and returned to the living room. He had placed Peanut beside Spade and was warming himself.

“Is it cold outside Oppa?” I ask him as I sit down beside him.

“Not that much for me but you’ll not like it.” He said taking the drink from me and sipping it. “this taste wonderful Flo. You should patent it and sell it.”

“That seems like a great idea. You can be my model.” I said relaxing. Sticking my feet towards the fire.

“We can make an business empire out of this.” He said grinning. “What will be our company’s name? KFC?”

“What would that stand for? Kentucky Fried Chicken?” I asked laughing.

“Kai and Florence Company. Is that what KFC stands for Kentucky Fried Chicken?” He asked amused.

“Yup we can’t use KFC since that is patented.” I answered.

“I’ll think of something.” He said.

“Take your sweet time.” I answered putting my feet on the sofa and hugging my knees.

“Is that our presents?” Kai asked putting on arm behind me and played with my hair.

“Don’t even think of opening yours now. That’s for tomorrow.” I said leaning my head on his shoulder.

“Do we have plans for tomorrow?” He asked meaning all of us.

“Nope. I’ll give it to you guys at new year when we can exchange everything.” I said. “You better have a present for me!” I said looking up at him.

“Of course I do. It’s already warped and waiting for you.” He said smiling at me. Heart doing crazy flips again.

“Ohhh.. that’s makes me excited.” I said clapping my hands. “Don’t you have any plans for today? Any dates with your fans?” I teased him lightly but I was just actually snooping if he had plans with other girls.

“I plan to have a date with you today.”He answered grinning.

My heart stopped and start at an even faster rhythm. Kai will be the death of me one of these days.

“Ehh.. where will we go?” I ask him trying to be nonchalant.

“There’s a Christmas expo that has great food. We can go there if you want.” He said.

A day with Kai. All alone with him.

I bound off the sofa and ran to my room.

“I’ll just go get changed.” I called out.

“Food really makes you move  fast.” He said laughing.

Nope it’s not the food actually.

 I was ready after a few minutes. I had chosen to wear a blue and white dress with some thick stockings and boots. My jacket given by all of them was covered by a leather one.

“I’m ready!” I exclaimed running into the room.

“That was fast.” He said standing up.

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