"Bye!" Kageyama said immediately, cutting off whatever Iwaizumi would have gone on about. He ended the call and let out a deep breath.

"Can I at least call you Tobio-kun? Or is that like Oikawa too?"

"Yes? No? Uhh I'm sorry- I gotta go. Bye!"

"He's cute." Iwaizumi mumbled to himself as he watched Kageyama out his window, hurrying home and feeling humiliated.


Hinata didn't know how he felt at the moment. There was so many things going on, and he had a huge collection of emotions. Did he feel... envy? Envy that Iwaizumi was still with Kageyama, yet Hinata knew how immature that would be. Wait- why was he even jealous? He had no reason to be, considering the fact that there was no way he had feelings for Kageyama.

No way.

Of course he didn't he could never have feelings for someone like Kageyama.

Or would he? Hinata quickly shook the idea out of his head. He didn't want to think of it at all, because it made him scared at the consequences. But what had Iwaizumi said? 'He loves you'? Hinata shivered at the memory, but he found himself smiling.

"What are you smiling about?" Daichi Sawamura asked, as he entered the room a smiling tugging at his lips. "It's nice to see you happy again."

"What? Er, uh have I been depressed these days?"

"I don't blame you. It's scary isn't it?"

"Yeah," Hinata said. "Just think... what happens if I die? Or can't use my legs anymore? What scares me is that I don't think I've lived my life to the fullest... that I didn't use my legs... to it's full extent."

"You won't die, Hinata."

"How would you know that?"

"I don't. But what I will say, is that I think you should do something you always wanted to do. It'll make you feel relieved, as if you've done what you always wanted and if you die that's not a big deal. Of course, I'm pretty sure you're not going to die I mean-"

"Right..." Hinata interrupted, thinking hard.

"You seem deep in thought."

"I have a big chance of dying."

"It's quite odd actually, it's just a leg surgery, why is it so life-threatening?"

"It's a... a weird case. They haven't seen many things like it."

"Ah well," Daichi said. "If it makes you feel any better, you were always extraordinary, Hinata."

"Extraordinary..." Hinata whispered to himself. It did make him feel better actually.

"It's getting pretty late, I should leave you to rest. Your surgery is the day after tomorrow, you should rest a bit. And... don't forget what I said about doing something you always wanted to do."

"Yeah... thanks..." Hinata mumbled. With that, the captain left the room without another word. Something he always wanted to do eh? He thought about it until he finally drifted into a deep sleep.


Hinata was woken up by the sound of the door creaking open. He opened his eyes to see Kageyama. He sat up, and watched as the setter moved closer to his bed once again. It was as if this scene had happened so many times, where Kageyama had visited countless time to reassure him and talk to him.

"How are you feeling?"

"I want to play volleyball."

"Craving the feeling huh?"

"When the ball contacts my hand in the most perfect spot, and I slam the ball on the other side... I miss it a lot."

"I haven't gone to volleyball practice... for a while now."

"What? Why not? How could you? Our team needs you to practice and-"

"No, it's... I've been practicing by myself. Everyone has been practicing serves and their personal talents, and pushing themselves. Maybe everyone but Tsukishima but- at the moment I don't want to practice setting for the other people. I've been practicing serving as well, but by myself."


"Hmm, I don't know why. It might be because I want the first person for me to set to, be you when you come back."

"What if I don't?"

"Well, I'm counting on you to."

"You won't quit volleyball right? If I don't play anymore..."

"We'll see." Kageyama said, looking away. Truth was, he didn't know if he could continue without Hinata.

"Promise me you won't." Hinata said as he put up his pinky finger. Kageyama chuckled softly at how small and young Hinata seemed. He linked his pinky finger with his.


"You can't break the promise okay? I don't want you to ever stop playing volleyball... you're going to make it on the Japan National Team and, and, and-"

"I don't ever want to do anything like that without you, okay? So get better soon, and come back after your surgery."

"Kageyama..." Hinata had finally fully noticed that Kageyama wasn't like himself. He was... caring and passionate. Hinata found himself staring at Kageyama's lips, and then his eyes. "Kageyama... you're eyes. There are so many stars in your eyes." Hinata leaned closer subconsciously, his face only inches away from Kageyama's. No way he liked Kageyama right? Maybe not.

"Dumbass..." Kageyama murmured as he finally closed the gap between their lips and kissed him. The most amazing thing was that Hinata kissed him back.

A/N: 😏😏 they finally kissed. Sorry for the wait ^^ ironically, I "injured" my finger during volleyball practice soooo I'm just gonna use that as my excuse for slow typing
My volleyball tournament is next week and I'm nervous af

Injured (Hinata x Kageyama)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt