Chapter 2 "Justin & Jai"

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          She was perfect in his eyes. He couldn't stop thinking about her. She was so gentle and inccocent, she was something he had to touch. Ariana Grande Was his weakness. After Meeting thousands of fans, receiving thousands of hugs, and hearing a thousand "I love you"s from his fans at his meet & greet, He couldn't stop thinking of Ariana, a thousand times in his head. After he met all the fans, it was around 10:00 pm. Justin went back to his tour bus and layed in his bed. He decided to go on Ariana's twitter account. Her latest tweet said "@JustinBieber thanks for such an a amazing first night on the beleive tour, you & your fans are beyond nice, beyond grateful". He smiled, his smile was so bright it illuminated the entire room. He knew that flirting with Ariana would affect his reputation, but he didn't care, he didn't consult with his conscience. he was letting his heart make all his descions. He quickly replied "Thanks. Great having you, u absolutley killed it out there tonight, & post that pic". He waited, he couldn't stop refreshing her timeline, and then he saw it. She tweeted the picture! He smiled & retweeted it. He Felt something, not just in his heart, more so in his pants. 

                 Meanwhile, Ariana and her crew already arrived at the next tour destination, they were parked outside the venue for the next concert. She was up talking with her mom,her brother, and jones & isaac in her bus. Little did she know her brother, Frankie, had received a text from Jai asking where he could come meet them and surprise her. So as soon as Jai was told the adress he was on the first plane to Atlanta, Georgia. As soon as Jai's plane landed, he got right in a cab, and found Ariana's tour bus. He paid the driver, grabbed his suitcase and ran to Ariana's bus and knocked on the door.

               When She opened the door, she was so happy. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him, hard. "What Are You doing her?", "I Came to surprise you, Can We go for a little walk?". Ariana turned to her mom and said "We'll be out for a little bit we're going for a walk". The couple left the venue of the concert and went for a night strole. It was quiet, too quiet... Ariana decided to break the silence She locked fingers with Jai, and held his hand. "Such a romantic night" she said with a smile, "Personally i think all the skyscrapers make it even more romantic" she added. Jai Stopped walking and asked "Can We talk?". She sighed and cleared her throat... "Sure, Of course, Is something botherning you?" "I Saw that picture you posted on twitter with Justin.... How could you" jai said emotionally. "Are You Kidding? I thought you came out here to surprise me! And I didn't even do anything he kissed me on the cheek, i didn't kiss him, i didn't fuck him, he kissed me, on the cheek". Jai looked at her with a blank, empty stare. "Maybe this was wrong" he said. "What? You coming out here and surprising me?" Ariana said. Then He stopped, and let go of her hand. "No, i meant us". Ariana gave him the same blank, empty look he gave her. "Goodbye Jai, Have a safe flight" she said as she got on her tippy toes and kissed his cheek goodbye. Jai stood there as Ariana walked away from him. He thought to himself for a second, and he said aloud "What the fuck am i doing?". Ariana was far ahead of him now, So he ran toward her fastly. When he caught up he grabbed her arm and said "I-I'm Sorry, I'm so sorry babe". They wiped the tears from eachothers' eyes and kissed eachother under the moonlight. "I know i should've trusted you, you're an amazing girlfriend and i know you would never cheat on me like that, i don't know what i was thinking." She kissed him hard again and said "I Love you". He smiled and picked her off her feet, and swung her around. "I love you too". Then they walked back to the tour bus, holding eachothers hands. 

                  The Next Morning, around 9AM, Justin woke up and called Ariana's phone. But Ariana was still in her bed sleeping, with jai beside her. When Jai heard the phone he quickly grabbed it and ignored the call. He was still angry on the inside, but he knew he had to forgive and forget. Then Justin texted Ariana. "Sup cutie? I'm almost in Atlanta for tonights concert, wanna grab something to eat?". Jai was furious, Now he knew Ariana didn't even flirt, it was all Justin. Ariana was still sleeping, So jai decided to text for her. "Sorry, My Boyfriend is in town and we were planning on spending the day together" Jai texted Justin pretending to be Ariana. Then he threw the phone back on the nightstand, making a loud banging noise that woke Ariana. "Goodmorning Baby" jai said as he kissed her. She giggled and said "Goodmorning Babe" and kissed him back. "What do we have planned for the day?" Jai Asked. Ariana got up and looked around the bus, to her surprise everyone was gone and there was a note on the door. "Hi Sweetie, Me, Jones, Isaac, & Frankie and went out to see some of Atlanta, Enjoy your day with Jai, Be back on the bus in time for the concert tonight - love mommy". She smiled and turned around and said "We have the whole day to our selves." Jai gave her a mischevious look, but she tried to ignore it. "Maybe we could, stay here on the bus, and watch old movies all day?" She asked. "I was thinking we could do something else, something more romantic... I mean we've been together for 5 months now and we've surrvived long distance & our first fight, i just feel so close" jai said. She walked over to him, as he was sitting on the bed, and said "I'm not ready to lose my virginity yet, I know i'm 20 and all, but I'm just really not ready to make this commitment yet, I'm Sorry". Jai looked pissed off but said "It's Ok, I don't want to make you feel pressured into do anything". She kissed him on the forhead. "Thank you for understanding". 

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