He brought Harry out of his office and towards the Great Hall where the main people of the Order were.

"It's good to see you Harry." Remus Lupin was the first to greet Harry as they walked in. It took everything for Harry not to kill the man who stood in front of him.

"Remus." Harry gasped.

"Are you ready to fight?" He asked and Harry just shook his head. His wand vibrated in his pocket indicating that they were ready.

"No I'm not." He started to back towards the door. "I'm not fighting."

"Harry we went over this." Dumbledore started but Harry shook his head.

"I'm not fighting for you." He hissed and then smirked. With a wave of his wand, he opened the closed doors of the Great Hall. "I believe you've met my father." He smirked as Voldemort walked in with his army.

"Ah thank you for that introduction Harry." Voldemort smirked at the shocked faces of the Order. He wrapped his arm around Harry. "But I do believe it time for you to go."

"Wait before I do." He paused before he hissed out something in parseltongue before Nagini slithered in. She slithered towards Remus as the man tried desperately to get away as the other watched in shock.

He screamed when he was bit and Harry's eyes narrowed.

"That one is for my parents, traitor." He sneered and then turned to his father. "Win this for us."

"Stay safe Harry." Harry hugged his father before he was taken away by Severus.

They apparated to an undergrown cabin hidden deep in the woods under tens of trees. When they landed, Harry coughed up a bit.

"You'll be safe here, it's charmed as well so no one can find it other than myself and the dark lord. We don't know how long it'll take but hopefully soon. Stay well." He said before apparating away.

There was a loud stomping and doors opening before he was enveloped in a big hug.

"Harry! I was so worried!" Draco nearly cried as Harry wrapped his arms around.

"We're safe Draco, we're safe." He told Draco.

"Were you hurt?"

"Nope, I'm okay." Harry kissed the side of his face. "Are the others here?"

"Yes they're already breaking in their bed upstairs. We have the bedroom down here just off the kitchen."

"Sounds perfect." Harry pulled away and then kissed Draco's lips. "So what do you want to do?"

"I'll make us some food, I don't know about you but I am starving."

"I am too but you don't want to wait for Blaise and Neville?" He asked and Draco laughed.

"I'm sure they'll venture down once they smell food." He gripped Harry's hand tightly and then pulled him towards the kitchen. "Do you want a tour first?" He questioned.

"Yes then food." Harry nodded so they walked into the kitchen. It was half where you make the food and half where you eat separated by a counter.

"There's no formal dining room but it'll work. This is obviously the kitchen and we were just in the family room." Draco pulled Harry out into a hallway that was just off the kitchen. It was a dead end but there were two rooms on either side of the hall. "One is the bathroom and the other is our room. It's a small place but we won't be here for long." Draco pulled Harry towards their room and then brought them in. Despite being a small cabin, it was a pretty good size room. Sure it was smaller than his at home but it was a comfortable size. The bed was a queen and their dressers were pushed up against the other side. They each had one closet and there was a television so Harry grinned.

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