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So, this is my first story. I would love some pointers, but please mind the difference between giving constructive criticism and being mean. Enjoy!

"Ha! I got you! I totally got you that time!"

"No way! You totally did not!"

"Yes, I did! I touched your shirt!"

"That doesn't count!"

"Well fine, but this does!" Apollo jumped forward to tag his twin sister, but he was too slow.

"You shouldn't have given me a warning, Lola! You're not quick enough to catch me!" Artemis shouted as she ran across the yard.

"Don't call me Lola!" Apollo yelled after her. But then, out of the corner of his eye, he saw something running. If it kept moving that fast, it was going to collide with Artemis. "Ari, look out!" Whatever it was, Artemis didn't understand his warning until she had already tripped and fallen face-first into the dirt. Apollo reached the top of the hill a few minutes later, as Artemis was getting up.

"What took you so long?" she demanded.

"I would've made it up here sooner, but I was laughing too hard!" Apollo said once he was finally able to take a full breath.

"Yeah, yeah. Laugh your butt off. Just wait 'til I push you right back down that hill."

Apollo faked a dramatic gasp, "You wouldn't!"

"Watch your back," she grinned.

"How about you watch yours?"

"Nuh-uh, little brother. I will always beat you." Artemis joked before realizing Apollo was startled. She slowly turned around to look behind her. "Lola?"


"What is that?"

"I think it's a goat," he replied condescendingly.

"No duh," she retorted. "But why is it here?"

"Why would I know that?" Apollo snapped, and the twins began to bicker. They were interrupted a minute later by a loud cry.


How'd ya like it? I know it was a short chapter, but I've already written the story so updates will be speedy quick.
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