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Tord's POV
30 Minutes Into The Movie

"Summer, hold on... you don't believe in love?" The screen said,

Who does? I dont believe in love..

Then what do you call the feelings you feel for Y/N? (*This is like another voice that Tord has in his head*)

Th-That's... uhm, I dont know! Why would I like her? She is so.. so... Annoying! And she's my enemy, I cant love her,

And who said so? C'mon Tordyyy you know you love her!

What the actual fuck. Tordy? Ugh, no I cant.. Why am I listening to you anyways? You are just a random thought I have in my head,

Eh, you always listen to me, sooo uhm I dont know, and look! Y/N is falling asleep, you picked the wrong movie, man!

Its my first time being on a date! What do you except for me to do? Im already acting like a gentleman,

Gentleman my ass! You just opened and closed the door for her annnddd you paid for everything,

First.. You dont have an ass and second that's enough for me,

Oh? Okay, whatever. Im a thought of yours and Im part of your brain and your brain is part of your body... So your saying you dont have an ass yourself!

You dont make any sense...

"Anyway, I'm not near drunk enough to sing in front of all these people" The screen said,

I turned my head to look at Y/N, she is half awake and half asleep,

"That.. reminds me of Tom" Y/N mumbled,

"Yeah.." I whispered, Y/N smiled, she is so cute...

See! I told you!


Make me!


At The End Of The Movie

"How was the movie, Y/N?" I asked, Y/N threw away the trash and looked at me,

"I just saw the beginning of it... I slept through everything" Y/N said, we should've just seen a movie at the house,

"Oh, well, your loss" I said,

"Why is it my loss? You paid for everything~" Y/N said and smiled, we left the theater and headed towards the car,

"Well... Nevermind!!" I said, Y/N giggled... THAT GIGGLE THOUGH! Its... cute,

What am I saying?!


That was a lovely date~ Only because I got myself free food! Eeeeeek! We both got in the car and Tord started driving,

"... Thanks Tord" I said,

"For..?" Tord asked,

"Well~ The free food obviously! And well.. The rest too" I said,

Loving My Enemy • Tord x Reader [¡¡UNDER CONSTRUCTION!!]Where stories live. Discover now