Part 7

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¨Cassidy for your task you must pick some one from the group.¨silence said orderly, so I picked Evan ¨ Evan stand up please, now put this balloon between your teeth and stand side ways, Cassidy  here is a gun. You must shoot the balloon and not his head. Same rules apply if you miss then you turn into the creature.¨

This seemed easy I had shot with my dad so many times before but nothing this small the balloon was the size of a tomato I could tell he was terrified All the hair on his body was sticking straight up. 

BANG! the shot was fired I  flew back from the force of the bullet. I looked up the balloon had been shot!

¨Come on! give us something harder this is a waste of my time!¨ Evan shouted

¨fine you want something harder, but you will regret you ever said that.¨ Silence hissed

Silence spun the spinner and it landed on 6, 1-2-3-4-5-6 it had landed on Claire.

¨Evan since your so confident that this is easy you will be our volunteer again.¨ Silence said with a grin.

¨Evan please strap your self to this wheel, Claire you must take these 6 knives and trow them at the wheel any where that Evan is not.¨ Silence said

Silence spun the wheel and Claire picked up a knife, the first one landed by his foot the second one landed by his head and then she picked up the third knife this time But something seem wrong about this knife when she threw it every bodys mouths droped to the floor. 

¨Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.¨ claire screamed

Evan was Claire's boy friend and she had just killed him,a knife right to the head, Silence grabbed Claire's arm and as she was being dragged into a dark room I could see red hot tears racing down her face all of her makeup was smeared.

When Claire came out of the room I couldn't even tell it was her  she was just like the creature I met in the tunnel her eye lids sewn together her mouth sewn shut and all of her pale skin wash shriveld and her beautiful blond hair was turned a dark black.

Silence pointed towards the tunnel and Claire walk slowly into the tunnel.

1 person dead and one person  turned into a monster.

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