Extract of Franklin

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Before hand note: So this is the extract that you need to give a review on. It's in the style of Bram Stoker's Dracula, but you can still read it even if you haven't read the story. It's not my usual style, but it's for school, so go figure.

The survey link is published both below and in the comments sections, and I would be really greatful if you could do a review on it before the 20th of April. Thank you, Willow!


A brief synopsis: Basically, my final project is a shorts tory and bout a young man called Charlie Blake who goes off to war with his close friends and immediately is at odds with his General, who insists on being known as General Franklin despite it not being his real name. This hatred between the pair increases when General Franklin is accuses of stealing Charlie's and one of his friend's possessions, which they get into a verbal fight over before the actual fight begins...


Letter (by hand), Private Charlie A. Blake to Miss Abigail Blake (unsent)

29 June

My dear Abi, -

Oh, how I missed you these two years we have been apart! How strange it has been to wake up without your screeching in the bath- though I must say, I much prefer the bombs to what you call singing!

How is life at home? You told me in your last letter that father stopped by, has he came to see you recently? I hate how often you are left by yourself, as no matter what you say, you are only 15, younger than me than I left to fight for my country. I would never forgive myself should something happen to you, my sister, and I know mama would come down and bash me silly for not protecting you.

Speaking of mama, you remember when she once told us that the French were very compassionate people? I don't suppose you do, as you were young when she died, but she used to go on about that point a fair amount, as her uncle married a French woman, Liana. Liana, mama told us, was the most beautiful woman with a big smile who took her on a tour around France when she was a little older than me before she passed. Mama said she was the kindest being to ever walk this earth, and insisted that all French was as kind and lovely as Aunt Liana.

My General Gabriel Riviverie, or Franklin as he insists on being called, is French and a contradiction this to mama's statement. He is most vile, and looks down upon us like with weak, helpless children, which you know I detest being known as. Worst of all his traits, he is a horrible thief, but he won't admit up to stealing the pocket knife father gave me, nor Jacob's favourite pencils, much to our unhappiness. I am not ashamed to admit that I began a fight with this beastly man over the matter. I know you will fret so, but it was merely a verbal fight in which I found out he had twice taken a life before even joining the army (but do not fuss, dear sister, because I am sure I can best him in a fight any day of the week!). Though after the fight, I have been made to make sure all the bayonets are reading for battle. Which is not that unpleasant as I am with the boys, though I would like to see General Franklin face his consequences for verbally battling me, too.

We were supposed to go into battle today, but weather has postponed us and left me, and the other boys, to pray some more that he shall perish in the battle, and we get a new, better General who doesn't steal possessions! If this letter reaches you before the weather clears up in Somme, please do wish it too!

Ever yours,

Charlie Blake.

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