Intra-School Ranking Competition

Start from the beginning

"What do you think, Sanada?" Yukimura asked

"She has potential, just how far she can go, only time can tell," said Sanada


The next day

After class, Rei looked up her next opponent and saw that it was Jackal Kuwahara. She entered the court and saw a bald-haired tanned-skinned guy. He looked serious.

"Nice to meet you. Just call me Jackal," Jackal said.

"Same here, Jackal-senpai, Echizen Rei by the way,"

"You may have beaten Hiroshi because he only started tennis 1 year ago, but I'm not the same," Jackal said.

"We'll see about that," Rei said.

Rei started off with a Twist Serve which she didn't use in her match against Yagyuu Hiroshi. This caught Jackal off guard and let her win 40-0.

"Don't think you'll take this game so easily," said Jackal "I've already gotten the timing down."

"Hmph!" Rei won 1-0 ending the rally with a drop volley.

"Whew! She can do the Twist Serve! Now I really want to crush her," muttered Kirihara.

The game went on neither giving an inch, and it was tied 4-4. Rei was using her left hand the entire time after the twist serve and occasionally doing Nitouryuu when necessary.

"Jackal-senpai, if you keep on pursuing your defense abilities, I'll just keep on attacking you," said Rei.

She started jumping up and down, and soon enough her movements were faster than before and the angle of her returns were sharper.

"One-footed Split Step!" said Yanagi Renji. "To think that there's someone else that can do it apart from Akaya. This is good data."

"Is this real? We have the same skill sets! Now I'm getting excited!" exclaimed Kirihara.

Jackal persevered on with his impenetrable defense but soon enough the game was 5-4.

"5 games all"


The game ended 7-5 with Rei winning. "Whew! I sure have tough sempais," said Rei.

"Wow! A new regular!"

"This is exciting news!"

"Can't believe Jackal lost!" exclaimed Marui Bunta "Heh! Time to tease him with this loss!"

"Oi! Jackal you better not lose the next game! Who will become my doubles partner?!" exclaimed a bob-cut red-haired guy.

"Woo! I'm a senpai now. I'm no longer the youngest regular! Congrats Rei-chan!" exclaimed Kirihara. He was still rejoicing that he's no longer the youngest and will not have to do most of the club chores. Too bad for him that's not how it will turn out.

Rei ignored the seaweed black-haired guy and shook hands with Jackal. "I lost," said Jackal

"Mada mada dane senpai," replied Rei.

As soon as Rei exited the courts she was surrounded by Kai, Katsuro and Okubo. "Congrats Rei-chan!"

"Thanks guys!" Rei smiled happily. The three guys blushed.

A certain green-eyed devil eyed the guys surrounding Rei and thought 'Who are those guys? Makes me want to crush them' He wanted to approach Rei but hesitated. However, who was he? He's Kirihara Akaya, when has he ever hesitated.

He hugged Rei close to him into a neck vise-like grip and said, "You're the youngest in the regulars now Rei-chan!"

Rei saw Kai paled and looked-up, "Ah! Seaweed-haired guy."

Kirihara upon hearing being called seaweed-haired guy exclaimed, "Who are you calling seaweed-haired!"

Kai paled even further and said, "Rei-chan, that's Kirihara-senpai"

"Oh that's right. I forgot. Hi Kirihara-san. Let go of me please"

Kirihara saw Rei struggling and said, "Yada, this is your punishment for calling me seaweed-haired guy"

Rei sweat-dropped. He really is a clingy guy.

"Also call me Kirihara-kun, my cute kouhai" Kirihara teased. Inwardly though he really thinks Rei really is cute.

Rei blushed and muttered, "Whatever, Kirihara-san. Can you let go now please?"

"Yada, that's Kirihara-kun for you!"

"Oi! Kirihara let go of Echizen-san, you're suffocating the girl," said Sanada

Kirihara noticed Rei looking pale and immediately let go of her. Afterwards, Rei noticed a group of guys approaching them.

"I'm Rikkai's tensai of the court, Marui Bunta. I still can't believe you defeated Jackal. That guy's tenacious," said a red-haired guy chewing a bubblegum.

'Tensai of the court, huh' Rei thought

"I just recruited Yagyuu you know, why'd you have to defeat him. What if he quits the tennis club if he doesn't become a regular?" said a long-haired silver-haired, silver-eyed guy. "Just kidding! Welcome to the regulars, puri."

Rei sweat-dropped, 'This guy likes to trick or tease people.'

"I collected good data about you Echizen-san, I would really like to play with you sometime soon," said Yanagi Renji

'A data specialist, now that's annoying' Rei thought. 'Well I'm a data specialist too so a match to see who'll win would be nice.'

"Congrats Echizen-san, welcome to the regulars," said Yukimura Seiichi.

"Thanks captain," replied Rei.

"The match between Hiroshi and Kuwahara are starting soon," said Yukimura

"Who do you think will win?" asked Kirihara with a smile.

"Jackal," said Marui

"Jackal," said Renji

"Yagyuu," said Niou

Yukimura and Sanada didn't reply to Kirihara.

After an intense match between Jackal and Yagyuu, the game ended 7-5 with Jackal Kuwahara winning.

"Welp, I better console my doubles partner, puri" said Niou walking away from the team.

Rei turned to leave but Yukimura stopped her and said, "Rei, tomorrow you'll be going to the regulars' court for practice"

"Alright," Rei left together with Kai, Katsuro and Okubo.

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