The jaccoines left behind treasure pt.7

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Mateo's POV
Don't get me wrong, it was a great thing that Elena was able to figure out that the stones were hyrogliphics. But what did they mean?? and how could we make out a pattern if we didnt even know what the hyrogliphics were? Luckily, Naomi has some experience with these kinds of things. "Well, obviously this is a jaqquin. Wouldn't you agree Esteban?" Naomi said teasingly "Of course, I totally knewnwhat it was before you.. You just didn't give me a chance to speak.." Esteban replied  unsure, scratching his head, and give a fake confident smile. "Then what's that one?!" Naomi non hesitantly asked while pointing to another hyrogliphic. "OK, ok... You can go back to identifying them.. My expert eyes are tired? Aren't yours? You know, they say that all the good eyes get tired.. Why aren't yours?" Esteban said.  Then Naomi shot him a serious-dont-mess-around-with-my-work-yo look. I really couldn't help but snicker, they're too funny! And I'm prettybsure I saw Gabe sneak in a few chuckles here and there. The whole argument led to Esteban being toatally sure that the hyrogliphics were Purple dinosaurs, and pink ballerinas. Then Naomi toatally blowed him out of the water by saying that they were amethysts and pearls which was much more accurate than dinosaurs and pink ballet dancers.

Just then, I spotted Elena carefully studying at the hyrogliphics. She was obviously not paying any attention to Esteban and Naomi. Well, in her defense she did claim that they fight like two bickering kids who both need time outs, One more than another.
But any Ways it almost looked like she was about to jump on the hyrogliphic. And guess what? She did!! Didn't she know how dangerous they were? One wrong step, and it could trigger death! I couldn't watch that happen... Not to her..
So before she made a full jump, I reached out and grabbed her hand. Then Elena said "Hey what are you--" but she didn't have time to finish cause I accidently  made her tripp on the wrong Hyrogliphic! Which revealed a pitch black abyss that she was about to fall in. But just in time, I caught her before she fell. And might I add she quickly hugged me a round the neck like a snake. Because I could NOT breathe. Her heart was beating at least 1000 miles an hour, It was so loud it stopped Naomi and Esteban from arguing. "Are you guys ok?!!" Yelled Naomi. "Well, I was." Said Elena now calmly while shooting me a What-the-heck-was-that-for? Look. Then I gave her an Im-sorry type of look. "I hoped on the tile because, I recognized a pattern!" Said Elena.
All of a sudden I felt totally and utterly DUMB. I tried to save her, when she didnt need it, and actually got her into more danger. Ugghh, What's wrong with me? Why do I always mess up with Elena? Maybe she really do sent feel the same way..
Just then, she reassured me by saying, "Its okay, Mateo. We all make mistakes here and there. Dont worry about it. I'm actually pretty flattered that you thought about me when I stepped on the tile.. Even if you did know that I would never step on it for no reason. And I'll have you know when the time comes I'll return the favor." She said with that wonderfull sunshine smile of hers that could bring Happyness to any ones day. "Now, before anymore death contraptions randomly shows up, I'd like to show you guys the way outta here!" She said with an urgent tone.

After she showed us the pattern we all went across one by one, some of us a little slower than others, but I'm not menchening names. *Ahhemm!!* Esteban

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2017 ⏰

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