The Jaccolines left behind treasure pt.4

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Elena's POV
After we reached the island, Estaben guided us to the cave using his, "Trusty navigation skills". [No wonder it took us almost 2 hours to find the cave]
When we reached the cave, There was nothing inside except for rocks and sticks. " What?" Said Naomi "We've spent almost 2 hours walking through a deserted island for this??? You shoulve given me the map, Elena." Naomi said a little ticked off. "Now, wait just a minute! My map skills are on point! Are you saying my map skills aren't on point?" Said Esteban starting another argument. While, Naomi and Esteban were arguing, Mateo found a secret rock lever in the cave. Then pulled it, the back of the rock cave pulled up to reveal a rock pattern on the floor with hyroglphics on it. I knew exactly what it was. It was a trap. But in order to avoid it you had to step on the correct pattern, "Well done, Mateo!" I said impressed that he had found a rock lever. "Thanks, Elena!" Mateo said. Then I saw him stepping towards a rock pattern, and I knew it was wrong. "Mateo, wait!" But by the time I said it, the rock pattern he stepped on disappeared and a pit of posionus snakes appeared. Luckily, he jumped off in time. Then, a huge posoinus snake jumped out of the pit and flew at Mateo. I saw, but he didn't, so I tackled him just as soon as the snake came flying. And we fell to the ground together on top of each other. "Are you okay?" I asked concerned about his condition. "Yeah, I'm fine." Just then, Naomi and Estaban stopped arguing to realize we were on top of each other. "I knew there was something going on between them!" Naomi said nodding her head. Then I got off of Mateo and kneeled on the ground. And Mateo slightly got up to sit. "Sorry.." I apoligized. "Actually, thank you, if it weren't for you that snake would have bitten me." He said pulling his knees to his chest. Then he got up and put a hand out to help me up. Then I quickly flashed back to when I got hurt by the scepter, and he carried me to the palace. Hes so scincere and kind, I want to protect him like he did for me.
Then, I was snapped out of this flash back by the sound of Gabe's voice. When Gabe smacked Mateo's hand out of the way and offered me his. "Are you OK? Princess?" He said. "Yeah, I am. Thanks Gabe." I said grabbing his hand to get off the floor. "Anyways..

each square has an ancient hyrogliphic on it, that is a pattern. If you finish the pattern correctley, You get the treasure. If you step on the wrong hyroglipic, it leads to certain death." The pattern looked easy enough to solve, there was one hyroglipic that looked like a skull, and another that looked like a fairy, and the same pattern repeated. So, we followed that pattern and opened the doors to the treasure.

Elena of Avalor {ElenaXmateo} one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now