The jaccolines treasure pt.3

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Mateo's POV

We were on the ship.
Gabe was trying to flirt with Elena and Naomi by flexing his muscles
I may not be as strong as Gabe, but I do know how to do spells. So, I decided to keep busy by practicing my levatation spells, when a pretty red butterfly flew by and asked me if I needed help. The spell was pretty hard so I said yes to her. Then I asked if I was doing the spell right and she said,"How about I show you?" Then she aimed to take the wand, but our hands touched and our eyes met, and time stopped. I could stare into her beautiful brown eyes forever. It was like starring into an angel's eyes. Then she broke our moment, by showing me the spell. Which I was amazed, because it took her only one time to get the spell right. And I've tried it at least 1,000 times and still haven't gotten it right yet. Then Elena showed me how she did it, and it suddenly became clear. She's absolutely amazing, I swear its like she's magic. People say its because its she's been trapped in that amulet for all that time, the truth one really knows. Then finally I said,"Thanks Elena, it was really cool for you to help me out like that." Then she took a look at the time and said she had to get back to her princess duties. I wish we could spend more time together... I really like her.

Elena of Avalor {ElenaXmateo} one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now