Cooking Recipes: Appetisers

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Sauteed Turnips: 420G

Ingredients: Pan, Turnip, Butter/Good Butter/Great Butter

Optional Ingredients: Butter, Good Butter, Great Butter

French Fries: 342G

Ingredients: Pan, Potato, Oil

Potato Pancakes: 408G

Ingredients: Pan, Potato, Flour, Oil

Hash Browns: 552G

Ingredients: Pan, Potato, Flour, Oil, Herb Cheese/Herb Butter

Optional Ingredients: Herb Cheese, Herb Butter

Boiled Potato: 516G

Ingredients: Pan, Potato, Butter/Good Butter/Great Butter

Optional Ingredients: Butter, Good Butter, Great Butter

Cabbage Rolls: 612G

Ingredients: Pan, Cabbage, Onion/Tomato/Bread Crumbs

Optional Ingredients: Onion, Tomato, Bread Crumbs

Popcorn: 264G

Ingredients: Pan, Corn

Corn Cereal: 396G

Ingredients: Pan, Corn, Milk/Jersey Milk/Golden Milk

Boiled Egg: 96G

Ingredients: Pot, Egg

Fried Egg: 174G

Ingredients: Pan, Egg, Oil

Roasted Mushroom: 132G

Ingredients: Pan, Oil, Brown Mushroom/Shiitake/Shimeji/Truffle/Coral

Mushroom/Trumpet Mushroom

Optional Ingredients: Brown Mushroom, Shiitake, Shimeji, Truffle, Coral

Mushroom, Trumpet Mushroom

Steamed Mushroom: 62G

Ingredients: Pan, Brown Mushroom/Shiitake/Truffle/Coral Mushroom/Trumpet Mushroom

Optional Ingredients: Brown Mushroom, Shiitake, Truffle, Coral Mushroom,

Trumpet Mushroom

Sandwich: 378G

Ingredients: Bread, Cucumber, Tomato

Optional Ingredients: Boiled Egg, Mayonnaise, Good Mayonnaise, Great Mayonnaise

Herb Sandwich: 174G

Ingredients: Bread, Mint, Chamomile, Lavender

Optional Ingredients: Herb Mayonnaise, Good Herb Mayonnaise, Great Herb Mayonnaise

Sandwich filled with herbs. Has a wonderful fragrance.

Fruit Sandwich: 338G

Ingredients: Bread, Yogurt,


Optional Ingredients: Apple, Banana, Blueberry, Cherry, Grape, Mandarin, Peach,

Pineapple, Strawberry

Raisin Bread: 372G

Ingredients: Bread, Grape

Jelly Bread: 162G

Ingredients: Bread, Apple Jam/Blueberry Jam/Grape Jam/Strawberry Jam

Optional Ingredients: Apple Jam, Blueberry Jam, Grape Jam, Strawberry Jam

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