Mrs Whitlock

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Jasper moved from my side to stand just in front of her, shielding her from the Volturi. To him, I could tell, that he was trying to redeem himself for all the lives he took. He was trying to save just one newborn because he couldn't all those years ago. Just simply moving in front of her, his act of defiance, showed his bravery and commitment to his family.

"We offered her asylum in exchange for her surrender." Carlisle explained. The girl was still backing away slightly, scarred of what was to come.

"That wasn't yours to offer." Jane told him. I thought that Carlisle has all the right to spare her life. Jane seemed to like getting involved in the places that she could have a little fun; fun by causing pain.

"Why did you come?" She demanded. The young girl frantically looked around, taking unneeded breaths. It was clear that was a nervous habit she had picked up. I watched her glance at Jasper, then her scream tore through the silence that had fallen. Jane continued firing questions at the girl. The poor girl couldn't answer because she was too focused on screaming. Jasper stood next to her, looking helpless. I could tell that he was also in pain. He could feel the girls pain and the torture she was enduring.

I ran in front of the girl without thinking twice. I was blocking her from the view of Jane.

"Stop it!" I cried. Jane narrowed her eyes at me. Her glare turned into a smile. That innocent smile made me freeze, my body running cold.

"Pain." She whispered. My body ignited with fire. The fire inside burned hotter than hell. I felt someone kneel next to me. My eyes remained shut, as if by closing them, the pain would end. Every muscle in my body tensed as the agony sored through each tissue.

"Please stop." My mate begged. With the pain I was in, I couldn't block him from my head. He could feel what I felt. That only made the torture hurt 10x more.

Then it was all taken away. The only thing that remained were dull aches of pain that ran like electricity through my body. I felt Jas pull my body close to his. He effortlessly picked me up, bridal style, and held me. My head was resting on his chest as I took laboured breaths to calm myself down.

"I don't know why we were made. Riley wouldn't tell us. He said our thoughts weren't safe." She cried.

"Her name was Victoria. Perhaps you knew her." Edward said through his teeth. He hated the Volturi as it was. He knew what they were thinking and could probably tell they were lying about everything.

"Edward, if the Volturi knew about Victoria, they would have stopped her. Right Jane?" Carlisle cut in. As he used to be one of them, he knew what they wanted to hear and what not to say in their presence.

"Of course." I gripped onto Jaspers shirt more as Jane ordered for the young girl to be killed. I just wanted to disappear in that moment. I wanted to live with Jasper in peace, in a world where the volturi didn't hate us, where we could be ourselves and be happy.

Once the girl's scream was cut off by the breaking of porcelain, Jane returned to her smiley self. I knew how much the girl's death hurt Esme. Esme was the perfect mother and was very protective over everyone in her family, no matter how new to it they were. The volturi swiftly left after they had killed the vampire.

Jasper and I were lay in our bed. Carlisle was at Billy's and the rest of the family were sat downstairs. My body was less achy now but it still hurt if I moved a great deal. I turned to Jasper and just looked at him. His face was staring back into mine perfectly. He leant down and rested his forehead on mine.

"You don't get how much it hurt when Jane..." I stop his sentence with a shh sound. He didn't need to relive it. He was running his fingers through my blonde hair; I knew that it calmed him down as much as it relaxed me.

"I'm sorry Jas." I whispered to him. I loved Jasper with all my heart and he was perfect to me.

"I don't want you to get hurt Lacey, Darlin', I love you too much." He whispered, his southern accent making it sound so much better. I whispered back that I love him.

The stars were shining through the windows, casting dancing lights over our faces. Just looking at Jasper made me feel like the luckiest girl alive. My mate. He was my mate and my husband.

"Thank you. For accepting me, Major." I smiled at him. Even through the dance shadows of our bedroom, his smile was bright, visible from anywhere. The mere thought that I was the reason for his happiness brought me so much joy. It was like a fairy tale. Then again, we were both creatures out of fantasy stories.

"I'm not letting you go any time soon...Mrs Whitlock." I kissed him. This was my life. It wasn't a choice. I didn't choose to love Jasper Whitlock, I merely chose to marry him. The love for Jasper Whitlock chose me. I've had to face love, death and heartbreak just to be with him right now.

"You're where I belong, Major."

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