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Lacey POV

I was pulled into a cold, but safe embrace. My breathing calmed down and my mind cleared enough to realise who it was. Jasper. I encircled my arms around his neck and held him close. When we pulled back, he kept his arms around my waist. I moved my hand to caress his cheek. His cold skin was comforting.

"You scared me so much." He whispered, leaning down towards me. Our lips hovered over each other's, both unwilling to make the first move.

"I'm safe now." I whispered back, our lips slightly brushing with every word spoken.

"Your safe now, Darlin'." Jasper confirmed, and then finally closed the gap.

"Alright lovebirds, let's head back to the house." Matt interrupted, with his arms wrapped around Alice. The family chuckled and we walked back home.

Jasper and I had skipped school and had lay around in bed all day. I was enjoying his company and he was happy to be lying next to me. Without him I wouldn't have this extraordinary life I have been granted. I was woken by Jasper in the evening.

"I have to go and help Edward. An intruder in Bella's room." He said, kissed me and left, knowing I would struggle to respond in my half-asleep state.

I pulled myself out of bed and changed into some tight jeans and a white crop top. I ran downstairs, saw Bella in Eddies arms and Rose sat alone. No Jasper. They must still have been at Bella's or tracing the scent. The lack of arms surrounding me left me cold and unprotected. Just as the thoughts crossed my mind, I heard the door open and the familiar scent that accompanied my mate. Without glancing at the rest of my family in the room, I ran at vampire speed to Jas. He had barely got in the door before I jumped on him.

"Hey Darlin'", Jasper smirked at me. After our hug, he led me back into the main room with everyone else.

"The scent disappeared around 5 miles south of Bella's house." Jasper informed them. Bella looked scared and I could tell she was worried for the safety of her father, not just herself. If someone had gotten in before, it could happen again.

"Someone's orchestrating this." Carlisle concluded. Jasper wrapped his arms around my waist, keeping me close and protected.

"Victoria?" Bella offered. Jasper noticeably tensed at the mention of her name. He pulled me closer to him and I turned in his arms and kissed his cheek to calm him down.

"I would have seen her decide." Alice interjected.

"It has to be the Volturi." Edward said. After our last encounter with the vampire council, he has been trying to pin everything on them. Sometimes I think Edward goes looking for trouble.

"I don't think it's them either." I offered.

"I've been watching Aro's decisions to." Alice confirmed. So, our only two enemies were not out to get us.

"So, we keep looking." Emmett said. First Victoria takes my scarf, then an intruder in Bella's house. Why would a vampire who has the opportunity to kill me, not do it? Why would a vampire go into Bella's house? Trust me, the world is a lot more interesting when you include vampires.

"We'll also take shifts, guarding Bella at her house." Carlisle instructed.

"Another protection detail?" Rosalie questioned. I knew Rosalie's story. It was heartbreaking. I knew it was why she hated Bella and her choice to become a vampire.

"She's right. You can't protect me, watch my dad, search for the intruder." Bella explained.

"and for Victoria." Rose added.

"And keep yourselves fed." Bella continued.

"I'm not leaving you here defenceless." Edward stated. Suddenly Jasper got up and left the room.

I swiftly followed him and it led me to our room. Slowly, I opened the door. Jasper was sat on the bed, his head in his hands. To see his honey blonde hair covering his face that hid a distressed expression killed me inside. I had no idea what had gone on or what was said that lead us to this situation.

"Jasper?" I asked, tenderly. He made no move to answer me.

"What's wrong?" I questioned. I sat down beside him and he instantly wrapped his arms around my waist. This action was shocking to me, but I held him all the same.

"Please, Jasper, tell me." I whispered. His hand found my face as he lifted his gaze to settle on me.

"I'm worried for you darlin'." He spoke back in a hushed tone.

"What do you mean?"

"They are all scared for Bella. It reminded me of when she nearly took you. What if she comes back and tries to take you again? I failed to save you last time. I can't sit by and pretend I am even remotely concerned for Bella because I'm not. I care about what happens to you. Edward is so protective of Bella and is more than capable of keeping her safe. It makes me question my ability to protect my mate. My soulmate." He looked down, ashamed. My mouth opened slightly in shock. How could Jasper question his own ability to keep me safe? He has succeeded more times than anyone else. With my right hand, I lifted his chin and kissed his soft lips.

"I trust you with my life Jasper." I kissed him again; it seemed to calm his tense posture. Confidently, Jas deepened the kiss into a passionate exchange of love. 

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