The contact had been exactly what I'd needed.

My friends and I used to hug a lot as children; why did we only reserve the gesture for special occasions these days?

It felt so good to be held by someone you cared for; it felt like a blessing.

"Did you hear about Horace's birthday?" Kelly's voice brought me out of the pleasant memories.

"No." I turned towards her. "What about it?"

She maneuvered the car round a corner and I was surprised to realize that we were no longer in our neighbourhood. How long had I been wrapped up in my own thoughts?

"Jasper is letting him celebrate it at the pub," she replied, a small smirk on her face as she briefly glanced at me. "I think that conversation he had with you finally managed to scare him into being sensible."

"I wish there'd been a way to make him sensible without scaring him," I said and pushed one of the lose strands of hair behind my ear. "But I'm glad he did that. Sixteen is a big deal."

"Do you think Horace will recognize his mate that night?" She asked, making another turn.

Mates was not something I felt like discussing now. After all, everything was going well; everything, but that.

I quietly gulped and tried to keep my voice cheerful.

"I hope so. I hope it's someone from our pack."

I meant it. I of all people knew what it was like to be away from a mate.

A bitter lump began forming in my throat, but I swallowed it. Tonight was about having fun. I had to focus on that. Not on being alone, not on Callum; on having fun.

"Any guesses who it might be?" Kelly asked and I furrowed my eyebrows as I contemplated.

"Mira and Jizelle are the right age, but age isn't always a factor," I began and almost cringed. I had to bring up age when talking about mates, didn't I?

I just had to somehow point my thought towards Callum and the twenty years he had on me.

"Fair point." She was silent for a moment, then laughed.


"I just imagined my brother's face if Horace ends up with a guy and not a girl."

I frowned.

"I don't think that's funny, Kelly. Just imagine how hard Jasper will be on the poor boy."

"Oh, come on, it's not like he'll forbid Horace from..." She halted, her smile melting. "No." She vigorously shook her head, hand tight on the steering wheel. "No. Even Jasper wouldn't keep his son from his mate. He is an ass, but he can't put Horace from that; he can't be that cruel."

"I hope so." I sighed. "Because if Jasper tries that I will kick him out of the pack."

I would not let anyone else suffer like me.

Kelly gave a slow nod, her features set in a hard expression, but then she cleared her throat and attempted a smile.

"I'm sure it won't come to that."

You don't sound sure, I thought, then reminded myself: having fun. No need to worry about something that hasn't happened yet. That might not even happen.

Kelly seemed to have reached the same conclusion as she changed the subject to a more pleasant one: Rhys and Riley's engagement, and then, of course, Everett and Lisa's baby.

Sentiments & Reason ✓ (Dogs, Bats & Monkeys series, Book II)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang