"Stop It" He said a ton darker then some time recently, sand falling under his vest and on her white dress.

"Ivar...what isn't right?" Her voice delicate the wind cooling her hair as it blew in the wind. His inhale hitting her cheeks. His hand as yet sticking her hands over her. His other arm supporting himself.

He huffed releasing her wrists. His features still sharp. She sat up in a flash pushing him. Grasping his face, "Ivar. Is it true that you are alright? Concern lerking in her voice.

He held her hands ripping them off brutally before dragging himself away leaving lines in the sand. She sighed uproariously. Bouncing back on her stallion running past Ivar deliberately.


      Two weeks before Paris Raid   

The sky was a tasteless gray. Blurring the clouds easily. Saga still had been disturbing Ragnar to go along with him and his warriors on the Paris ambush.

Ivar still intentionally ignoring her. Brutal gazes was all the contact she got from him. It confused her profoundly.

She didnt get why he was so brutal towards her so rapidly.

Lagertha had demanded she made a sacrifice  to the Gods, so all will go well. Obviously, we as a whole concurred. Ubba had been sweet to Saga. He was similarly as befuddled with reference to why Ivar was degrading her.

He would dependably see Saga' face drop when Ivar would gaze at her malevolently. Or, on the other hand impolitely snicker at her presence.

Their attack was soon to happen, and Ivar better get himself together.

Ubba wanted Saga to join them on the assault. She would be a great addition to their army.

She was important. But yet, they all knew very little of her. Thats what intrigued him most.

    She was a mystery.

             Saga's POV    

Snickers ejected from me as I watched Ubbe attempting to legitimately stroll around the warming hovel. His feet losing his balance since he was highly intoxicated.

He'd streak her a dewy grin a couple times plainly attempting to cover his humiliation. I thought that it was entertaining.

"Why did you choose to drink so at a young hour in the day Prince?" I  doubted.

"Becaussss I will join my father on a loonnng outing to Paris I could die

I sat beside him, handing him a cup of ice water. Gesturing for him to continue.

I eyed him cautiously. "Anyone could die Ubba. So could I."  He shifted alittle uncomfortable under her tight gaze.

"Because I say things I wouldn't be brave enough to actually say." He quietly slurred.  His hand softly gazing my face.

I took a gander at him, concentrate his sharp features and entrancing blue Eyes, before I unequivocally grasped his hand. Removing it from my face.

"You are drunk Ubba." I murmured realeasing his hand. Ubba's face came back to his ordinary gaze.

Ubba keeps on gazing, uncertain of what to state. "I'm..." He stops as yet gazing. "I'm truly tired." He misled keep away from what he was in reality going to say.

I got the chance to set up the bed for him in warming cabin. "What is occurring amongst you and Ivar?" He asked me. He appeared significantly more sober as walked carefully  to the fire pit.

I exhaled before replying.

"I don't know Ubba. Everything was well until it simply wasn't. It could have been my blame. Be that as it may, I wouldn't know, he doesn't speak me."

Ubba dryly laughed. "Unpredictable little Ivar."

I glanced before talking. "Okay Prince, your bed is readied. I will wake you when it becomes late" I grinned helping him to the bed

As I would leave, Ubba snaked his hand around my wrist.

"Much thanks to you Saga." He grinned delicately before letting go. I grinned again, "The pleasure is all mine Ubba." I got my jacket before leaving the cabin.

War is coming, and I think I might be a little rusty.


Hey frens. So, this chap is boring. Next chapter will be the war, super pumped for it.

And I'm so sorry I stopped writing, truly am. Ilysm.
Yo, I'm also really damn excited for the war. You're gonna love it.


Her name is Saga. |Lothbrok brothers| Vikings|Where stories live. Discover now