Chapter 36 (edited)

Start from the beginning

"Andrew, no... get back," Jack said weakly, but Andrew kept running. Medea was motionless, and she let Andrew swing at her. However, as his sword was about to go down, it froze.

"What's going on?" he asked, trying to move, but all parts of his body were frozen. Medea laughed.

"Did you really think that I am beaten that easily?" she asked, turning back to Jack.

In the meantime, Syl was on a nearby tree. Narr was hiding close by, and he was trying to calm his rider down. Syl watched as Andrew and Jack's dragons fought Medea's giant black Areton. None of them managed to hurt each other yet, but the fight was vicious, filled with roaring, fire, and growls.

Syl didn't know what to do as he saw his friend being beaten by Medea, but when she turned around, he saw his chance. He had an idea.

He was going to hook onto a tree and charge at her. She was far away, but that only meant that he would make more speed to make his attack stronger. However, he would need Narr to boost him.

Narr thought it was a stupid idea, but agreed it might work. Syl gripped his sword tighter with his left hand, trying to calm down. He was afraid, but he knew that he had to do something, or more people would die.

He still had a chance not only to save his friends, but a chance to save everyone.

He climbed onto Narr, who ran at full speed until getting close to the beginning of the clearing, making sure they would not be seen. Being heard was not a problem, since the dragons were loud enough to cover every noise.

Narr then stopped suddenly and Syl jumped, feeling Narr's head boost him forward. He was going really fast, and he used wind to launch the Hook. He barely hit the tree, but he did it.

He boosted himself with wind up to the point his eyes were full of tears and his sword raised, ready to strike. He planned to hit her leg or stomach only, since she would be a strong ally once she recovered. All he saw was blurry figures, but he knew that the dark one was Medea.

He raised his sword, just then realizing that he was too high. He was going straight for her head. The blow would kill her instantly. He tried changing his sword position, but he was going too fast. He couldn't see any trees that he could use to slow himself down, and even if he did, Medea would kill him, too, and their plan would fail.

He didn't want to kill her, but it was the only choice he had.

As he was about to hit her, a black dragon roared and flew in front of Medea, barely managing to stick his head in to protect her. Syl was panicking, having no idea what would happen as he rammed into the dragon.

He suddenly stopped, feeling pain all over his body. He still clung onto his sword. He was alive, but he was in a lot of pain. He realized he was hanging in air. Barely opening his eyes, he saw a blurry sight in front of him.

He had his sword stabbed into the dragon's eye, and it wasn't just any dragon, it was Medea's dragon. He heard low noise in the distance that resembled yowling in pain, and then everything was quiet. Suddenly, Syl felt himself falling, and he passed out.


I opened my eyes, only to see horror. I heard Areton screaming in pain, and his thoughts were full of pain, as well. He was sending me thoughts of love, and calling me to wake up. He was begging me to come back, and I did.

The memories suddenly flooded me. All the things I did: getting controlled by my dark side and killing all those people. I almost killed Jack, as well.

I looked up, my heart filled with sadness and pain. I knew that Areton was dying, and I could do nothing about it but cry.

I apologized to him, sending him all the love I had as I tried to calm him down. He was lying down next to me, having just saved me from a blow that would have killed me.

A boy with a sword had stabbed at Areton's eye, one of the rare parts that had no scales. I climbed onto my dying dragon, the one that gave up his life for me. He was almost out of life, and I didn't stop comforting him for one second. His panic disappeared and he was peaceful. He was ready to move on. He wished luck to me, promising he would always be in my thoughts.

I finally heard him take his last breath and it was over.

My dragon was dead, but I still felt him inside of my thoughts. As he promised, his body died, but he didn't. He was there. I smiled, still crying. I felt Areton send me love, and he made me calm down. I was finally back, and I did nothing good for the world.

Jack was on the floor, but he was alive, so were his two friends. I saw Jack and the boy that killed Areton glowing, so I realized he was healing him. That was quite a blow he suffered. I was sure that he would be dead if it wasn't for Jack.

Suddenly, I heard laughing coming from behind me. Citro.

"Nice show! So, Medea, I see that you are back," he said with a laugh. I felt rage consume me. It was all his fault. I turned around, drawing my sword.

"I am ready, Citro. I am now going to kill you," I said, and without giving him a chance to reply, I charged. I felt Areton fill me with his own rage and support. I knew I could do it.

I swung at him and he blocked. I summoned a few shadows to fight for me, but he did the same thing, so it was pointless. I needed to do something different.

I kicked his legs, making him lose balance for a second. I took the chance to do something different. Instead of kicking him to the ground, I used shadows to hurt him.

I made a tight wall of them around him, and made them tighten up, squeezing him. I heard his muffled screams of pain. Then the wall shattered, and a bloody Citro emerged. He was out of breath. He was tired already. I swung again and Citro barely dodged. I swung again and again, finally hitting him, leaving a cut in his armour. It was bleeding. I had hit the skin.

Citro fell onto the ground from the strength of the blow. He was done. I kicked his sword out of his hands.

"This is for everything you've done to me, and to this world!" I yelled and raised my sword, prepared to stab him through the heart, and finally free the world of his evil.

"But if you kill me, you will die as well! A child can't kill a parent. That's how Datonxies work! Would you truly give up your life to kill me, when we can rule together? Think..." Citro started. He could have been lying, but I knew he wasn't. I still did it.

My sword went down, piercing his armour. I didn't stop the blow until the sword went into the dirt. Citro looked at me once more.

"Thank you," he whispered, suddenly very human-like. I saved him from himself. He would be in peace now.

"Medea!" I heard Jack yell, and I turned around. He was smiling, and I saw a boy supporting the dragon killer in the distance, smiling at her, as well. "You did it!" He yelled happily again. I did it. I saved the world.

I smiled, and then felt my body stop. I felt myself fall to the ground. What was happening?

Areton was comforting me. It was normal, he assured me. I was panicking, but Areton calmed me down. All I saw was black.

Then I realized that I was dying. Citro was telling the truth.

I felt peaceful. I did it. I redeemed myself, and I could have never done it without Jack- the man I fell in love with. I was just sad that I couldn't show how much I cared about him. Nevertheless, we would be together, at the end.

I was happy. I waspeaceful. Areton warned me it was time. We were moving on.s N4-

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