take a chance

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Astral sat in the passenger's seat while Yuma steadily drove the car. The cool Heartland breeze, swept past both of them. The car was nearing exiting  the bustle of Heartland city. Passing a bridge on the way, Astral looked into the dazzling blue water, it Somewhat reminded him of his home planet  Astral world. Not only that place but his kids who went off to explore their other world. He sighed quietly.

Mistaking it as a contented sigh, Yuma looked over at his lover with a small smile on his face.

"Its beautiful isn't It?" 

Astral hummed in response.

"You know what hurts humans most in this world, Astral?"

Astral was a little confused by this, but a bad feeling grew in the bottom of his stomach.

"And what's that, Yuma?" He quietly asked.

"When, someone lies to them."
Astral didnt say anything and just allowed Yuma to continue.

"Did you know love can destroy a human more than physical pain? Especially romantic love, just the one word can change everything. 'I don't love you' can make a human feel so low, so terrible, even lying about those three words and the strangest thing, the other person may not even feel anything at all, telling you this and thinking that a simple 'I'm sorry' can fix the pain you feel, Then you wonder, why humans are the way they are and why they do the things they do."

Astral didnt expect this at all from Yuma, it kinda startled him of what he just said. More startling him that he a human, was saying something like this. He only thought of one thing to say.

"Yuma, I love you."

"I love you too, Astral. Its okay, just some book I read."


the rest of the ride went on pretty quiet soft music playing in the background from the car's radio. They were now far away from the city, driving through a narrow road, cherry blossoms stood at the side, decorating the path, while sunbeans shined through the small spaces in the trees, with the soft wind blowing, the little pentals danced in the air while they passed making everything look breathtaking and also serene.

"Just hold my hand and
Save me, save me...
I need your love before I fall, fall..."

Turning up the volume Yuma smiles.

"Wow, that boy can sing! If only I had a voice like that at that age."

But to Astral it sounded like the worse thing you he ever hear, the singer  sang beautifully, yes. But the lyrics hurt him to a deeper level, Yuma didnt even know.

"Yuma could you please turn the music down." Frowing Yuma did as asked and looked up at Astral.


"I'm sorry Yuma, I- ..." Nothing else came out as Astral hung his head low.

"Astral, it's okay."

As the car drove out away from the trees all that could be seen now were plains of green.

"Here is the county of Heartland." Yuma said smiling and taking a wiff of the fresh air.

Astral closed his eyes, recalling the small happy memories. "I remember Yuma, we came here years before." he softly smiled.

"We did? Sorry I can't remember. me and my old self~" Yuma joked.

Chucking, Astral smiles at Yuma.
"Its Alright."

"But you know what I do remember?" Yuma asked.

"What's that?"

"I remember having a good view of the city and sky from a single hill with two trees."

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