Brighton Park

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It was early morning in Brighton. In the very center of its largest park sat a lone Irishman on a swing. The green-haired adult was blasting heavy metal music in his ears through his headphones. It couldn't be later than 5:30 AM, so, thinking that no one would be there to hear him, the man screamed along to the music. His vocal chords were pushed to the limit with every yell, but the man was used to it. About halfway through the song, he got a tap on his shoulder.

The green-haired man craned his neck only to see a very handsome man with the cutest golden retriever he had ever seen. "Excuse me," the dark-haired man began, "but was that you? The persons screaming just now, I mean." A tremor went through the Irishman's spine; the stranger's voice was like velvet. The mystery man must have seen him shake and thought something was wrong, because a second later, the man put his hand on the lettuce head's shoulder to try and placate him. However, due to his timid nature, the man on the swing kept from his seat in response to the gesture.

His sudden action made him lose his footing on the sand beneath his feet and fall. "FOOK," he yelled, letting his thicker Irish accent through. The stranger and his dog quickly helped him up, but when the dark-haired man asked if the Irishman was alright, he replied with, "Besides having my mood ruined and sand in my hair? Yeah, thanks."

"Well no need to be so rude about it," the stranger said, his seemingly placid mood switching to a more defensive one. "I'll have you know my parents bake Irish potatoes like you for dinner," he continued, trying to provoke the Irishman. It only made him smile. "You have a nice smile," the stranger said.

The lettuce head blushed and hid his face in the oversized sweater he was wearing. He mumbled something into his sweater. The stranger asked him to repeat what he said.

"I'm not called an Irish potato."

"Well then what are you called?"


The stranger smiled. "I'm Mark."

"Mark. That's a nice name."

By: @nuggertmajik  and Natsa_    

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2017 ⏰

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