Chapter 2. Love Lost.

Start from the beginning

It took me awhile to understand what he was saying but when I did I hugged him to thank him. My cousin remained standing still as he laughed and then eventually pushed me back seeing as I was in his personal space.

"Easy now nigga. I'm being serious, the streets talk about Amaru a lot, he's not some nobody, I don't know dude like that so just be mindful of the company you keep" Angelo said and I sighed wishing people would just give him a chance.

"Yeah. Thank you, I gotta go though there's some stuff I forgot to do" I lied and Angelo looked at me funny before he nodded.

"See you at the rehearsal dinner. Bring Amaru I wanna talk to him" he said patting my shoulder but I had a feeling Amaru wouldn't show up. I slapped hands with my cousin before leaving out of the shop.

My car was parked across the street at some tattoo shop where I'd dropped Amaru off at. I jogged across the street and headed inside for a sign of him but he wasn't there.

"Did a light skin guy come in here? He had on a bomber jacket" I asked the lady at the counter who looked up at me and did a double take before smiling.

"Low haircut?" She questioned and I nodded my head. "He did come in here but he took a phone call and stepped outside. Some man pulled up and- oh there he goes!" She pointed and I glanced over my shoulder.

Amaru was climbing out of a car with tented windows. He shut the door and the car pulled off as I walked outside seeing him counting money.

"Who was that?" I questioned looking at all of the money he had on him. He brushed me off as he pocketed the wad and went to walk towards my car but I grabbed his jacket.

"What?! I was just selling some jewelry, I can't pawn it off and I don't have time to sell it out of state. Quit being paranoid" he complained showing something else was actually bothering him.

"Not my fault you did sketchy business with a snake. This is why people only think negative shit about you. Stop acting like a crack-" I began but caught myself. Amaru snatched out of my grip and looked me over.

"A what? Say it" he demanded but I shook my head. He chuckled to himself placing the back of his hand to his mouth and I wondered why I even took it there.

"Am I suppose to be offended by you and your friends and family calling me a crackhead? I did drugs and I'm clean now from the real hardcore shit which is impressive and I won't be shamed for what I did. I still look good as fuck and I dick you down on the regular, so I'd say I'm doing good for a crackhead, don't you think?" Amaru questioned growing a smirk.

"That's not what I meant. I'm proud of you but you have to stop doing sketchy shit because then I do sketchy shit to help you" I explain but as he shook his head I could tell he was about to be an asshole for at least most of the day from here going forward.

"Nah I know what you meant. Fuck you" Amaru said as he bumped me and walked over to my passenger side door. He stared at me waiting for me to unlock the door and so I did.

I climbed into my car and started it up as Amaru stared straight ahead. My eyes roamed to his lips that usual would be curled into a smile while he tried to flirt with me. His face was serious though and I knew I'd fucked up.

"Well I'm going over to Peyton and Erin's apartment. So if you don't wanna go then I can drop you off wherever you want me to" I said placing both hands on the steering wheel.

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