13. Sweet to Sour

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I woke up in Alec's arms and I look up. He was still sleeping soundlessly and peacefully. I found it quite adorable and I swear he had a halo. I wish I looked that cute while sleeping. I tried moving his arms so I could go to the bathroom but that didn't work. He woke up instantly. I sighed and looked at him. "Good morning Alec!" I said cheerfully. He smiles and says "Well good morning to you too Y/N" I giggled at the sassiness in his voice. I wiggle out of his arms and head to the bathroom. I close the door and do my business. I get up and I noticed blood in the toilet. I check my underwear again to see if I missed anything. I sure did because I had dark spots on them. I went to the door and opened it. "Hey baby, can you get me new underwear from my dresser please?" He looks at me confused but then fully understands. He gets up and he is only in his boxers. Which defined every single muscle and outline of him. I find it very attractive when he is just in his boxers. He walks up to the bathroom door and hands me my underwear while he kissed me. He is a big sweetheart. All the girls back at my old institute would die to see this kind of Alec.

I close the door and strip my panties off and put a tampon an a pad on. I walked out and grabbed a shirt and a pair of jeans. He is just smiling at me and watching me. I sway my hips for him and start to put my pants on. I get my shirt on and look back at him. He was smiling and chuckling a bit. I look at him and he just shakes his head. He gets up and picks up his shirt off the floor. He puts it in then his pants. I walk over to him and kiss him. He kisses me back just as sweetly. We pull away and I head back to my bathroom to put my hair up. When I'm finish, I walk back out with Alec still waiting on me. I grab his hand and he stands up. We walk out of the room together, hand and hand locked together.

We met up with Jace in the Weapon room. I picked my sword and Jace picked his. Alec grabbed his bow and now we are waiting for Izzy. We here a scream and my instincts tell me to go. I ran to where the scream came from. It was Izzy screaming. Lydia was on top of her. I ran and grabbed Lydia's hair and jerked her back from Izzy. I slam her into a wall and I'm holding her neck now. "What the hell is wrong with you?!" I look at her and say. Izzy is standing next to me and Alec and Jace were behind her. All I knew next was a sharp pain in my side. I look down and there was a blade in me. Alec shouts and I feel my whole body feel limp and weak. I look at Izzy and she has a panic face on too. Alec's arms are around me, holding the wound. I was crying but I just noticed that I was. I nust laid with Alec. I knew this wouldn't kill me but I felt like I was dying.

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