11. Good Vibes

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I was monitoring the demon trakcker when I heard Maryse speak to me. "Are you ready to start making the dress?" She smiled so bright like it was coming from above. She makes me feel safe from everything that is evil. I stand up and she grabs my hand. She leads me to the office where I notice that Izzy stood looking down at fabrics. We have 60 days from today I will be marrying my favorite person.

I walk to the fabrics sprawled across the desk and feel each one. I felt one that was silk then the another that was lace. They all were beautiful but I really am drawn to the lace. It's just so pretty and I love the texture. I tapped on the lace fabric and look at Maryse. She smiles and picks it up. We have to add gold somewhere so I chose to help glitter it up some with gold sparkles. I help with designing the flowers to put on my dress with Isabelle. Maryse was already sewing the fabric together that we glitterfied. I love how it turned into gold lace at the bottom and the sleeves. It's everything I've ever wanted for my perfect day.

*2 hours later*

I was in my room reading when I hear a knock at my door. "Come in!" I shouted at the door. Alex comes in with a bright smile on his face. I smile right back at him. He jumps on top of me and kisses me softly. I look at him confused for the sudden lovableness. He smiles and pecks my lips once more. "What was that for?" I ask him. He shrugged and kisses my head. I lay my head down on his chest and laid the book on the nightstand next to the bed. I slowly close my eyes and drift off to sleep.

( sorry guys boring and short chapter )

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