5. Taken Pt. 2

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*Y/N's POV*

"How do we get out of here without them noticing?" I said looking up at Alec. He looks around then notices a big enough vent to fit in. He yanked off the cover of it then places it on the floor. Alec lifts me up, and I climb in. It's silver just like the movies portrayed it as. I scoot over to give him space for him to climb in. 

"Okay. So how do we navigate through theses things, do we just guess?" I whispered to him. 

"I saw the exit that way so if the exits that way then we could go the opposite way towards the walls.  Then we get down and find an exit there," he said like he was guessing. I nod and he is going the other way. I follow him and then suddenly I'm pulled back by my feet. I scream and kick my legs. I kicked the security guard in the chin a couple of times. Alec was right there. He was firing arrows after arrows. One last shot he got him in the chest kind of like a bullseye. I stumble back and fall into Alec's lap. 

"Are you okay Y/N? Are you hurt?" he asked while cupping my face. I nod even though it scared me shitless. I held on to him, but I knew we have to go. We crawled faster than before and I knew we were getting close. We did a lot of twists and turns before we got to the opening.  Alec kicked open the door with a lot of force. It swung open, Alec grabbed me and put me down on the ground. I followed his movements as he got down. He slammed the door then smashed his lips into mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck and his arms around my waist. I've missed this so much while I was locked in a cage. 

"What's got you so lovable Alec?" I look up at him. He smiled and whispered " I love you so much, and no one is going to take you away from me. I love you more than anything." He held me close to him. His arms held me so tight. "We have to go before they find us," I said pulling away from his grasp. He nodded and we started heading towards the New York Institute. 

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