Chapter 17: Confused

Start from the beginning

I sighed softly and leaned my head down on his shoulder. "I don't even know what I want right now."

He looked down at me and kissed my forehead.

"Okay, but whatever choose, I'll support you in it. Even if it's not me." He stated, wrapping his arm around me and bringing me closer to his chest.

Normally this would comfort me, but it's not. It's almost making it worse.

I hate to admit this, but I want Mason.

Adam's POV

So me and Rafael have been really close lately he even wanted to walk me to my classes but I told him no. I don't want to come out yet, plus he would kill someone if he sees how bad people treat me.

He is so over-protective which is adorable if you ask me. Then when he smiles and that cute little dimple that he has on his left cheek. He makes me so happy. Why didn't I accept him sooner?

Oh well that's in the past and I think I might actually start to love him. I smiled just thinking about him, I looked over my desk. Well I have no homework, and the apartment is already clean. That means I have nothing to do, great.

Then I feel my phone vibrate and I look down to see who the text was from.

*Cuddle-buns* (Rafael)

Hey babe can't stop thinking about you.

I smile when I see it. He's so sweet and adorable.


Awwe can't stop thinking about my cuddle-buns either. Wish you were here with me.


Already here I'm at your front door. You should probably let me in its getting dark.

I gasp, what is he doing here, not that I mind it's just I just got out of the shower and I'm only wearing sweats a grey v-neck. Oh god he's going to see me with out my normal hair style and my normal clothes!

Why does this happen to me? Well I can't leave him waiting now can I?

I get up and walk over to the front door, I open it and I see Rafael wearing a black leather jacket with a white shirt underneath and some dark jeans. So in other words, he looks so sexy as hell. Then there's me in just sweats.

But then I hear him gasp. That can't be good. I knew I should've told him to leave and come back in an hour.

"Adam? Wow, whoa since when has you hair been curly. Oh my- have your eyes always been that shade of green? God you look so amazing." he says pulling me into his chest.

I blush at his words and look down. He pulls my chin back up to where I'm looking up at him. Well he is taller than me since I'm only 5'11". He looks at me and smiles and gives me a quick peck on my lips then let's go and waltzes right into my home. Like literally, he just dances inside in this odd graceful way. Cause that's just normal.

Oh who I'm a kidding, I'm pretty odd myself too. So I close the door and grab him and then we start to waltz or that's what it's suppose to be. I don't think it looks like that though.

Probably looks like two guys trying to salsa, flamingo, and waltz all at the same time. Which in case you haven't already noticed, it's not working out.

We both burst out laughing once we stop.

"Hmm you know what we were missing though?" He asks me, I shake my head and look at him.

"What?" he smiles and goes over to my stereo and turns it on.

"WAIT NO-" I stopped when 'The Best Song Ever' comes on. I blush and look at Rafael who is smirking. "That's not mine Lydia left it here. And yeahhh." I say which was true she did really leave it there.

"Oh well, can't let a good song go to waste." he smirks and starts doing the dance scene of the video.

Wait how does he know how to do it? I frown, bu he motions me to join him. And I shake my head no but he makes the cutest pout.

So I just smile and join in to. Then it gets to where they shake their butts and I thought that he was doing it to. So here I am laughing and shaking my butt or trying too. And I though he was doing it was well, but nope. I was wrong.

Oh I was so wrong.

I feel a hand squish my tush, and I jumped.

"RAFAEL HANDS OF THIS BEAST!" I scream/giggle. He only gives me a cheeky smile.

"Sorry babe but your ass looks so cute in those sweats." He says trying to put his arm around my waist. I slap his arm away.

"Oh stop it you." I say as he kisses my cheek. Making me blush even further.

"No." He says leaning down and giving me a peck on my other cheek.

I smile and close my eyes, then I feel another kiss on my nose. Then another on my forehead, and then my chin.

Then he pulls away and I open my eyes and pout. He just chuckled deeply, "What's wrong baby?"

I give him my best pout and say, "You missed a spot."

He gave me a fake frown and shook his head, "No I don't think so."

I whine and point at my lips. He laughs and he leans down and gives me a soft kiss, before pulling away and gazing down at me.

"Hmm I guess I did." He said, snuggling his face into my neck.

I laugh and wrap my arms around his neck. Who would of thought, this big bad wolf, could be this sweet?

So thanks for reading this I love how it feels like I'm writing this book all over again. Sorry for the late update though, I'll try to update every week.

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