My cravings have been out of control during this pregnancy, my latest craving was yesterday at two in the morning and I wanted something that resembled the taste of grass but not grass itself and it had to be cold and sugary. Believe me Everett was not happy about that since if I don't get what I crave I get very angry and then cry.

"Yeah you better drink up that grass and sugar  smoothie that you insisted on having" he said while drinking his coffee.

"What's actually in that?" I asked while raising an eyebrow at him.

"The world may never know" he said and I rolled my eyes.

We sat and ate breakfast before Everett had to go to work which just meant going to his office that is in the basement. He worked for big name banks doing I'm not really sure what but he makes good money.

"What's up sis?" I looked up to see Paris and Camden walk into the kitchen. I didn't even here them come in.

"Nothing much what's up with you?" I asked.

"Waiting for you to decide when I can release my next album" she said while giving me a gigantic smile. I rolled my eyes at that.

I became Paris' manager about two and half years ago.

Paris and I both haven't seen or talked to our parents in over two years and I could care less about what their lives are now.

"Hi daddy" River said when he got pulled out of his coloring book.

"Hey River" Camden said with a big smile on my face.

"I made you this" River picked up a drawing of what looked like River and Camden together.

"That's great, thank you" Camden said as he grabbed it.

Ever since our talk four years ago Camden has really stepped up to the task of being a father. For the past four years he has visited River whenever he could and he always brings River to concerts and takes him to parks and to zoos and is basically gives River whatever he wanted. There has been a little tense moments between Everett and Camden especially at Everett and I's wedding when Everett brought up adopting River. In the end Everett did adopt River but nothing changed.
2 months later
" Stacey, I'm fine really" I told her as she tried to prop my feet up on the coffee table in the living room.

"Honey , you are two weeks away from your due date. You need to be as comfortable as you can be" I rolled my eyes and let her do what she wanted.

"Where is your husband? He should be helping you not me" she said and I could tell she wasn't kidding.

"He's downstairs doing work" I told her and she immediately took off.

Stacey has been in and out of rehab three times since I've known her. She's a great person she just can't seem to get away from drugs and alcohol. Since her latest rehab visit she's been living with us and it's been great but she gets to be a little annoying with how much she coddles me.

I looked over when I heard footsteps and saw Everett being pulled into the room by Stacey.

"You take care of her" she pushed Everett near me and Everett sat down next to me on the couch.

My Baby Boy (Babies Series #2)Where stories live. Discover now