9. Birthday

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3 weeks later
June 23rd

Also known as the best day of my life.

It was my baby's fourth birthday.

I glanced over at my alarm clock and in about a minute I knew River would be calling for me.

Right on time I heard mama being shouted down the hallway.

I jumped out of bed and walked down the hallway to Rivers room. He was already sitting up in bed with a huge smile on his face.

"Hi" he greeted. I don't know how he could be so wide awake at six thirty in the morning.

"Hey cuddle bug,do you know what today is?" I asked as I picked him up and gave him kisses.

"Birthday" he laughed since I was kissing his face still.

"Who's birthday?" I asked as I stopped giving him kisses.

"My birthday" he said while proudly point towards himself.

"And how old are you?" I asked. He immediately held up four fingers. I swear he had been waiting a year to do that and have it be correct.

"Do you want to have a special breakfast?" I asked and he nodded.

I quickly got him dressed and carried him downstairs where Everett was already waiting.

In the last three weeks Everett and I had become closer. We've stayed up until three in the morning just talking about anything multiple times in the past few weeks and more importantly him and River have started to really bond.

"Ev, hi" River exclaimed as soon as he saw him.

"Hi River, happy birthday" he responded and River gave him a giant smile.

"I four" he said as he held up four fingers.

"I know"

"You ready to go?" I asked Everett and he nodded.

As I grabbed my car keys I noticed Everett dressed just as I asked him to. He wore a Hoodie and a SnapBack. Even though I'm technically not famous, paparazzi sometimes bother me. I was dressed in a similar outfit and so was River.

 I was dressed in a similar outfit and so was River

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"Let's go" I said and he followed me out to my car. I strapped River in and then climbed In the driver seat.

When we were about half way to our destination when Everett asked me a question.

My Baby Boy (Babies Series #2)Where stories live. Discover now