11. Father?

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3 weeks later
"Brynn stop staring at your phone, she'll be here in an hour" Melissa said as she grabbed my phone from my hands and set a plate of food in front of me.

"I haven't talked to Paris since she found out about Camden, I'm nervous" Melissa gave me a sad smile.

"Sweetheart, she's your sister. She still loves you but she's on tour and probably couldn't get a hold of you. Don't over think it." I nodded and started eating.

It was five in the morning so it was just me and Melissa. That was until the back door opened and in walked a half asleep Everett.

We watched as he walked to the fridge and grabbed Rivers apple juice out of it before taking the cap off and drinking directly from it.

"Everett Kin!" Melissa screeched which scared Everett and he immediately dropped the bottle, spilling it everywhere.

"What are you two doing up?" He asked,his tiredness quickly faded away.

"What are you doing drinking Rivers Apple juice?" Melissa asked as she threw some paper towels into the puddle of juice.

"You don't have any in your fridge so I came in here" she rolled her eyes.

"And to answer your question Paris is coming home in about an hour" he just nodded.

"Well I guess I'll just stay up with you"

Everett was up for a total of five minutes before he was passed out on the couch.

Melissa glanced over at him and rolled her eyes.

"I don't know what you see in that boy" she said jokingly.

"Obviously you wouldn't see it since you're his aunt" she gave me a small smile.

"Tell me a little fact about him" I have her a curious look.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"What's a little quirk about him that people probably don't know" I thought for a second before responding.

"Every meal he eats, he's eat from left to right and he doesn't drink anything until there's no food left on his plate" I said.

"What's his favorite color?" She asked.

"Black and he even has a tattoo of the word black on his ribs"

"I don't know that, so what do you think is going to come from this?" Melissa asked and I gave her a curious look.

"I don't know I'm kind of just living in the moment but I do know that if something was to come from this River already loves him" River liking whoever I was dating, is my biggest concern.

The front door opened, interrupting our conversation. All of the sudden I was nervous.

I saw Camden first and then Paris followed behind him.

"Hey what are you two doing up?" Paris asked as she set her keys down on the counter.

"Waiting for you" Melissa responded.

"There's breakfast on the table for you" she said before heading upstairs to check on River.

I nervously wrung my hands together as I followed Paris and Camden into the dining room.

We all sat down and finally Paris spoke up.

"Will you stop looking like I'm going to pounce on you at any second" Paris said with a laugh.

"If you think I'm mad, I'm not. I mean it should be obvious since he's still around" she said as she pointed her fork towards Camden.

"I don't understand why you thought I would be angry? I mean it happened before me and him got together" I let out a sigh of relief.

We fell into silence only the sound of forks scrapping against plates and chewing,

"The only thing I will say is..." me and Camden both looked at her.

"Camden you need to decide whether you want to be in Rivers life or not. I mean he is your child after all." I looked over at Camden, who was still staring at Paris.

"If you don't want to be, Brynn has been doing just fine without you and if you do, I wouldn't be mad and I'm sure it would be great for River to have a father figure" Camden seemed to be thinking hard.

"Good morning" I jumped at the voice and turned to see Everett standing there.

"You've already been up once" I said and he just shrugged before rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

He came and sat down beside me and started dishing up his food.

"Where's mom and dad?" I asked and Paris gave me a huge smile.

"I told them that they either stayed in a hotel or they stayed in the car" I smiled back at her.

We finished up breakfast before moving into the living room. I sat down next Everett on the couch and leaned my head on his shoulder. I was exhausted.

"Are you sleepy?" Everett asked like he was talking to River.

I just answered back with mumbles and before I knew it I floated into unconscious.
I woke up when I felt someone shaking me.

I blinked a couple times and Paris came into focus holding a very sick looking River.

I immediately sat up and he reached out for me. I grabbed him and set him in my lap.

I kissed his forehead. He was burning up.

"Mama" he whined as he laid his forehead against my neck.

"Baby, you're warm" he whined again.

"Do you want some milk?" I asked and he nodded.

I stood up and put him on my hip.

I grabbed a sippy cup of milk and handed it to him.

We went and sat back on the couch and watched tv until River fell asleep against my chest. He was still warm so I was just going to let him sleep.

I was looking down at his pale face when I heard someone come down the stairs. Then Camden appeared in front of me.

He was looking at River and then suddenly he met my eyes.

"Is he okay?" He asked and I nodded.

"He's just a little sick, it'll probably pass by tomorrow" I told him. It was kind of awkward.

"I have a question for you..." he looked at me as he sat down in a chair in front of me.

"Why do you criticize my parenting when you don't parent at all?" I asked. I tried to make it not sound to harsh and I think I succeeded.

"I don't know, I think I wanted to punish you for keeping him and reminding me of what I'm missing out on" I have him a confused look.

"What are you missing out on?" I asked.

He stared at River and smiled.

"Being a dad"
I know it's not really a cliffhanger or anything but I love this chapter and I'm so proud of it.

My Baby Boy (Babies Series #2)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora