Chapter 16

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I'm so happy that Emily is with Julian they make a perfect couple. I was watching Prison Break it's my favorite show. I paused it and went to the kitchen to get a snack. There's nothing so I decided to go to the store and buy baking stuff.
I get to the store and head towards the baking ingredients. I'm going to make cupcakes and cookies. I get red velvet and chocolate chip. I also get eggs and other things you need to bake cookies and cupcakes. I pay for everything and head towards my car. I see someone following me and I turn around and see my ex friend. Jasmine.
Me:"Why the hell were you following me!?"
Jasmine :"I was wondering if I can stay at your place for a while."
Me:"Hell to the no you have been a bitch towards my friends so you cannot stay at my house."
Jasmine :"Why do you have to be a bitch all the damn time."
Me:"I swear I will punch you in your face if you don't leave me the fuck alone."
Jasmine pushes me into the car...I punch her in the face and stomach. I get on top of her and beat the crap at of her. I usually don't say this to anyone but I really hate since I was little. We sorta used to be friends but she was a bitch to me and my best friends. I keep on punching her until all of her face is covered in blood. Then I hear sirens...SHIT. Then Jasmine gets up attacks me and now she is on top of me. She punches me and I think she broke my nose. I did more damage to her then she did to me. I hear cops say hands up. We put our hands up and we get arrested...SHIT. Sana and Emily will beat the crap out of me.I had a bad childhood and no one knows except them. I get into the cop car and head towards the station. I'm sorta scared but mostly mad at myself because I knew that jasmine wanted me to go off on her so I be the one in trouble.
Cop:"Ok miss call someone so they can bail you out and I have to keep you in cuffs."
I head to the phone and call Sana. I did not want to but I had to.
Me:"Hey Sana I got arrested so can you bail me out please?"
Me:"I know but Jasmine was getting on my nerves so I beat her ass and I did bad damage to her."
Sana:"I'm going to come get you and then I'm going to have a long talk with you."
Me:"Ok whatever."
The cop puts me in the cell and gives me a ice pack for my nose. I've been arrested before because someone was beating my mom so I took a baseball bat and beat the crap out of the guy. He called the cops and I got arrested. I waited  for an hour then I see Sana,Emily,Julian and Jovani...FUCK.😐
Why the hell did she bring everyone.
The cop took me out of the cell and unhook my cuffs.
Sana slap me behind the head.
Me:"What the hell was that for?"
Sana:"I fucking told you do not get in trouble again like you did back in Chicago."
Me:"Ok whatever."
Emily:"Mariah I know that jasmine is a bitch but you do not break her nose and plus you knocked out her tooth."
Me:"That's wonderful news she deserves it cause she was talking crap."
Emily:"Just take a deep breath."
Me:"I don't care can we go to the hospital I broke my nose and probably my wrist."
Sana:"Ok let's go."
We walk out of the station I see everyone with a disappointment look on their faces. We get in the car and I feel Jovani's hand on mine. I gave it a squeeze and lean my head on his shoulder.I fell asleep 💤

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