Chapter 3

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I go upstairs to Mariah's room and she's sitting on her bed making musical.lys. That's all she does like my god do something else!
Me:" Hey... Jovani is downstairs he wants to talk to you".
Mariah:"Oh ok... Why does he want to talk to me?"
Me:" I don't know but I think he likes you".
Mariah:" Um no we are just friends".
Me:"Whatever he likes you and you like him".
Mariah didn't say anything her face turned red like a tomato and I knew she had a crush on Jovani.
Mariah:"Um... I'm going downstairs to talk to Jovani".
Me:"Ok bye".
In my opinion they would make a cute couple! Jovani is sweet and kind, he would never break her heart. Mariah is caring and funny, sometimes she's stupid but that's just Mariah. I can hear them talk but I don't know what they are talking about. So I just head to my room watching YouTube videos and Netflix.

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