Chapter 2

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It's 7:00 pm Julian and I start broadcasting on YouNow.
Julian: " 1-10 how has your day been!"
During the broadcast I was quiet and all of my Goonies have noticed. About an hour later we ended it.
Us: " Its not a bad life,it's just a bad day". "On 3 we say YEET 1...2....3...YEET!!!
Julian was watching a movie and I thought I would go take Mariah to the fair.
Me: " Julian I'm going to the fair with Mariah and I will be back later".

Julian: " I knew it you like her!!"
Me: " I...I... We are just friends".
Julian: " Just admit it you like her and why don't you just ask her out"?
Me: " She probably doesn't like me like that".
Julian: " The way she looks at you and I can tell she has a little crush on you".
Me: " Whatever tell mom and dad that I'm going. Bye."
I go next door and I'm really nervous. My heart is beating so fast and I feel like that she is going to say no. I walk up to the steps Emily answers.
Emily: " Hey Jovani"!
Me: " Hey um... is Mariah here"?
Emily: "Yeah hold on she's in her room... let me go get her".
Me: " Ok".

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