Morning Of Bonding

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The morning the three men were unpacking had mainly consisted of yelling, insulting, and even occasional blows thrown. "Francis you git, that's my toothbrush!", Arthur yelled as France grabbed a blue toothbrush. "No it isn't! Mine has the blue handle!", Francis yelled back. Alfred came back into the room from the bathroom and said, "Hey dudes if you find a blue toothbrush it's mi-....". Alfred stopped speaking when he saw the two fighting over his toothbrush for a split second then he jumped in and tried to snatch it from Arthur.
Alfred was pushed into Francis by Arthur who held the toothbrush protectively. "Give me my toothbrush!", Alfred and Francis said at the same time which resulted in them simultaneously punching each other in the face. "You know what fúck this toothbrush.", Francis said holding his face and grabbing his French flag towel and a spare white toothbrush out of his dresser, "I'm getting ready for school so you guys continue your petty argument if you wish."
All hell broke lose between the Brit and the American after Francis left the room. Alfred punched Arthur in the gut and when he doubled over in pain Arthur slammed his head into Alfred's stomach causing both of them to groan in pain. Arthur recovered before Alfred and took this opportunity to run off with the toothbrush. Unfortunately for him, Alfred grabbed Arthur's arm and snatched at the toothbrush. Each one had their hands on either end of the toothbrush pulling with all their might. The fight over the toothbrush shortly ended after it quickly snapped in half.
Despite that argument ending, a new fight started after Alfred said something about the Twilight movie he watched the other day. Currently Arthur had Alfred in a headlock about to punch him in the face. "Say it! Say that Twilight isn't literature!", Arthur yelled at Alfred as Francis walked back into the room with a shocked expression. "Mon Dieu! Arthur let go of Alfred this instance!", Francis shouted to Arthur attempting to pull the enraged Arthur off the American.
"Twilight isn't literature!", Alfred sputtered so Arthur released him. "That's what you two were arguing about!?", Francis asked with a pissed off glare. "Why French fry? Do you have a problem?", Arthur asked as he shoved the Frenchman. Francis and Arthur had now started a shoving match which Alfred was dragged into due to him saying something about Harry Potter being shit to piss Arthur off. "Okay can we just calm the hell down for a moment!", Francis shouted stepping away from Arthur and Alfred who had stopped fighting and given their attention to the Frenchman.
"Alfred hasn't even been here an hour yet and we've already gotten into about ten fights this morning! If we don't get along we'll probably end up murdering each other before the end of the semester!", France continued actually making sense for once. "Alright let's call a truce then, Artie whaddya say?", Alfred asked holding out his hand for Arthur to shake. "I think you should call me Arthur and maybe wash your hands once in a while.", Arthur replied after reluctantly shaking the American's greasy hand. "Okay so our new rule is no hitting one another okay? Verbal arguments are allowed, but not while I'm getting my beauty sleep.", France stated, happy that the two had made up.
"Dudes we should probably finish getting ready before it's time for class.", Alfred said trying to find his phone, that he had dropped during the fight, to check the time. Arthur glanced at his watch and furrowed his eyebrows upset, "We only have ten minutes.", he said frantically grabbing his pine green backpack. Francis and Alfred's eyes widened and they grabbed their backpacks as well. The three men nearly crushed one another trying to get out of the door at the same time, but they managed to squeeze out unharmed, except from their various injuries from the previous fights.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2017 ⏰

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